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Van Living Forum

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  1. C

    Living Free and Independant

    It's not the living in the van question; that's a given here. My question here is... what is y'all's experience relating to people's comments about cleanliness? Do they hear that much?
  2. C

    Living Free and Independant

    You've all got it right. People of all ages try to make comparisons between people, quality, and value. IF we don't do as they do in society, we are lesser a person than they. We are the same, yet different, but nonetheless as valuable as others who allow themselves to be boxed into molds that...
  3. C

    Living Free and Independant

    I texted someone last week about hooking up, and when they heard I was living in my van they automatically ASSUMED I was not keeping myself clean. People need to re-evaluate how living in our vehicles is like and stop condemning us for making that choice to live as we want or need. On the 29th...