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Van Living Forum

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  1. S

    Sleeping in a Mega Cab?

    Has or is anyone living in and/or sleeping in a Mega Cab Truck? Like a Ford F-150...
  2. S

    A question more uncomfortable than "Where do you go to the bathroom?"

    I am retiring early next year at 62 (Take the money and RUN!) and I want to become a "full timer" I have been trapped in a place that I really really hate for 20 years called Florida. My Soul is and has always been in the West. But anyway... for those of you who have had to sell your homes to do...
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    Where is the best place to buy my first propane tank?

    Walmart and trade them out? Or buy the specific smaller size on Amazon and fill it on the road? Where is the most common place to find propane?
  4. S

    Why even use Solar Panels?

    When you can charge your batteries off your vehicle so much faster. Why not invest that Solar Panel money in buying another battery? I want to power a Fridge a couple of fans, my phone and laptop. That's it... All 12 volt, no inverter, no AC.
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    Hardwired to Battery Multi Output 12 Volt Bay

    I can not find anything like this... Maybe because I am calling it the wrong thing. I my business we would call it an "Output Bay" So... What does everybody use to connect your MULTIPLE 12 volt devices to your Solar Battery? I want ONE Single Connection to my battery that offers several inputs...
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    Air compressor Tire inflate

    Hello, I am beginning to gather up all the various items I need for my (Chevy) Van Life. I can not decide upon an Air Compressor. They have all changed so much and seem so cheap since I last looked. I see what Amazon recommends and I'm just not impressed. I was hoping for a consensuses here of a...