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  1. B

    Low Power Desktop Computers

    Vokus... I friggin' love the cpu cooler, btw.&nbsp; That thing is seriously a monster.<br /><br />@soulRaven.. Netbooks really are wonderful on the road, and you can't beat the power consumption.&nbsp; Very true indeed. The trouble for a few of us (probably not many of us) is running more...
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    Cooking with a Nissan Thermos

    That bean concoction looked amazing.&nbsp; Thanks for posting, I MUST look into the possibilities of a thermos!
  3. B

    Low Power Desktop Computers

    Vokus... I like your build.&nbsp; I'm putting together one of my own that is more oriented towards gamers that may have interest to you.<br /><br />AMD's trinity platform is already released in mobile form for laptops, and the desktop versions are coming (hopefully) this october.&nbsp; The 65w...
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    Neat trick for guys shavin' in the field...

    The alcohol trick works wonders.&nbsp; Most of the wear and tear on razors is due to oxidation from being left wet... the alcohol dries the blade, so it stays sharper longer.<br /><br />I like the idea of SoulRaven's scrubber... I hadn't a solution to built up hair yet.&nbsp; I'll definitely...
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    An introduction :)

    Thanks for the warm welcome, guys!<br /><br />@stude53... if you're the Bob who wrote the book on Amazon, I just picked it up... looks great!<br /><br />@bk2valve... I'm headed to NM eventually... probably ~2 years.&nbsp; Looks lovely there!
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    Final and Critical Questions!

    <br /><br />I just picked up the book now, looks great so far!&nbsp; Kudos to Bob for putting it out there.&nbsp; Amazon said it was a pretty recent publication (as in last month)!
  7. B

    An introduction :)

    Hi guys! My name's Mike.&nbsp; I've been lurking around the vandweller sections of the internetz for a while now, and decided to finally introduce myself.<br /><br />I'm an aspiring vandweller... not quite there yet, but plans are laid out and funding is being saved.&nbsp; I've gotten some...