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    Newbie and gas

    Shopping for the best and safest way to heat water inside my cargo trailer, is this the best option?  I have a 2 burner propane stove for kitchen outdoor use (where I do basically all my cooking), but want hot water PDQ inside the trailer.  Is a single burner propane stove just as safe inside?
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    Newbie and gas

    K & B? That's a great price!  Looking for an indoor single burner right now for my hot water.....
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    CT screen door

    In the same boat, been studying this for months.  Using mag screens on both doors for now, but the kitten figured them out so need something different this year.  What did you end up with?
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    Women Only: Breathe, breathe, breathe....

    I started this 2 years ago, and the solo boon docking is definitely an experience. If I'm feeling super nervous, I let myself stay in a campground. I was apparently the only one camping in the high Rockies late last Fall, and twice was the only person in the whole campground. That felt a...