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  1. vickirick

    What made you happy today?

    Happy Birthday, Gunny and many more.
  2. vickirick


    We never married, sadly....36 plus years. He wants too but we're both are on SSD.  I keep searching to find how much income we would lose if we did marry and can't get an answer...My SSD started in 2010, his in 2014....we barely make it as it is.....we worked both our whole lives...both in our...
  3. vickirick


    Hello, I have been watching Bob's videos and ran accross the one that he shared to learn and connect ...then come here to this.... .com page...So here I am.....I am in the planning stage as I don't know when my life event will happen. You see, my honey, soulmate of 36 yrs is slowly dying of...