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  1. G

    DIY AC?? Do they work?

    I'm curious about opinions on using a DIY air conditioner in a van, such as the one I'm linking to here below. I've seen these type of instructions floating around the web for decades but have never tried it myself. Thoughts?
  2. G


    Off topic for a sec, your forum name cracks me up, its actually one of my nicknames! When I was young, my father used to call me Wendleydoodahday (in return I called him PapadopolisFromMetropolis) among other things. To this day my sister's husband STILL calls me Doodah! I love your Beast...
  3. G

    Noob sayin hey

    Hi Friends ::) I've decided to vandwell as soon as we sell the old family home, it won't be right away unfortunately, probably 6 months or maybe more. But I'm planning now, getting rid of the excess junk. I lost my whole library from it being packed and then left uncovered to the elements while...