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  1. F

    Wildland fire support jobs

    Hi Nora  Try that first link I posted. Click on the Dispatch Priority list. That's a list of who gets called when there is a fire.  It breaks it down by geographic area.  Michigan is in the eastern area.  Region 9.
  2. F

    Wildland fire support jobs

    BTW, That link I posted is not complete. They don't list the catering companies. They used to. Here is a link to a trade magazine for mobile kitchens.: Excellent article. It has the names and locations of...
  3. F

    Wildland fire support jobs

    Opps My Bad. Here's the link: The dispatch priority list tells you who gets called first in different areas. National contracts are for kitchens, showers, things like that. Yes, it does pay. It varies by employer and employee skill level. I have...
  4. F

    Wildland fire support jobs

    Hello,  I didn't see anything about this mentioned in the forums.  When there are big fires going on,  Fire camps spring up.  There are a lot companies that contract to the government for support services.   These are not front line fire fighting jobs.  You are not required to be in top physical...