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  1. M

    My build : Red Zeppelin

    Great job...l will be doing alot of the same work on my new (to me) van. I see you have the metal tape stuck directly to the metal pillars etc. I have found in REALLY cold weather these pillars sweat from the temperature change. Is that a special type of metallic tape your using ? Sorry if you...
  2. M

    advice on cleaning catalytic heater?

    l found this online. .. First, disconnect the propane from the heating element. Then vacuume, very gently, perferably with a brush attachment. Do not blow air into it, that will lodge any debries deaper. You can blow through the fuel inlet by fully opening the valve and using a wetvac on the...
  3. M

    Has anyone seen this type of catalytic heater before?

    Thanks, I was given a catalytic heater from a friend, it is a PRIMUS uniflow. ..seems more expensive. ??
  4. M

    Has anyone seen this type of catalytic heater before?

    Hi, Im not to sure how to post a link. I've being using a Coleman model 5038 3000 btu. I shut off heater at night .l use a mummy sleeping bag, and it gets down close to freezing at night.l make coffee in the morning and this warms things nicely. Yes, it may be because l don't have a filter...
  5. M

    Has anyone seen this type of catalytic heater before?

    I've being using catalytic heaters a couple winters now, it seems that once they get a few months old they become harder to light. I found they are easier to light if l light them with a small propane torch??? Works for me...I've only used LOW setting.7 gallons propane tank lasts approx 20 days.
  6. M

    Water Container

    When l was in Mexico l added 1 bleach cap per 7 gallons. The bleach smell disappears in a day or two..lots of info if you Google it.:-)
  7. M

    What are the Canadian rules?

    Huh can't edit again... As l mentioned on an earlier post, l don't like being told where l can and can't park.UNLESS its private land.
  8. M

    What are the Canadian rules?

    I try to keep a low profile when camping (parked at the end of the road), l keep the site VERY clean. I even pick up my dogs poop, in the bush too! Only once was l asked to leave, a guy said l was on NATIVE land. I think he was worried as l was towing a backhoe ?
  9. M

    new vandwelling dreamer

    Welcome, vandwelling can be a fun, inexpensive way to live. I bought my first conversion van in 1989. I had planned to spend my 4 days on,4 days off routine staying in my van for the 4 days off...BUT I got to like this lifestyle. Then...I became disabled in 1997 from a head injury, so all...
  10. M

    How do you wash your traveling companion?

    I even took my pooch to a self carwash in the winter. His coat is sooo thick that he doesn't seem to mind the spray. Of course l stay away from the head and crotch areas. I use a low foaming soap too. I only use RINCE cycle...
  11. M

    Entertainment while boondocking, specifically radio.

    I use TUNEIN radio 95% of the time..I was paying 2 years at a time for SIRUS. I cancelled early. ..and they gave me a 240 dollar credit to my bank account...sweet! !
  12. M

    paypal I signed up

    I find that hardly anyone accepts PAYPAL, switched to prepaid VISA instead. Regular VISA cancelled my card when they found I was selfemployed...( l had being the previous 11 years ) lol
  13. M

    The things I've done to my van so far

    The worst thing is your wheels are now the perfect setup for thieves ...A friend of mine spent BIG bucks for a high priced stereo, had a false plate on the front. Thieves disabled the alarm, stole the stereo. He figured the kids working in the stereo store, passed on his address to the...
  14. M

    Any experience with a full brake system redo on a ford e450?

    I did a front brake job (disk), calipers, rotors ' pads. Canadian Tire wanted 600.l went to an auto wrecker, (recycler) they call themselves now. It was only 150. New pads thought, directions on YouTube...simmmple. Lots of mechanically inclined folks here to pass on advice
  15. M

    full time rv'ers in Canada

    Hi ED, I've got relatives in that area. If l have spare time I'll give you a shout.
  16. M

    full time rv'ers in Canada

    I was born and raised in a small town...100 people, ran a fishing and hunting resort, for 15 years in northern Ontario. 40 people in camp, tops. I spent my 20's in the Yukon. ..verrry quite up there. I spent my winters on mining claims on Vancouver island.Id go to town once a month for...
  17. M

    full time rv'ers in Canada

    Welcome! lm a Canadian too...just travelled from vancouver to Prince Edward lsland. Round trip, trying to find the BEST place to settle down in Canada. Things are TOO expensive in BC. TOO many people.
  18. M

    My new E-350 Extended van

    Thanks, l was lucky enough to walk away from the wheelchair, first with two canes, now one.
  19. M

    My new E-350 Extended van

    First l noticed your posts. ..l was told after 4 months in a wheelchair, that l MIGHT have to consider a wheelchair full time. SORRY l wish a disabled person would have THAT van...
  20. M

    Is it paranoid to think someone might want to steal my dog?

    As my dog gets older he is VERY protective. When l park at Walmart or a grocery store..he will let out a low growl whenever someone parks next to me. If they happen to look in the window he will will bark and growl, show his if to say COME ON! TRY TO ENTER...SOOO l park away from...