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  1. Svenn

    Making the vehicle more cozy/homey?

    Sorry this question is kind of broad.  I'm almost done with my conversion of a hybrid SUV,  I crawled into the back, laid down, and just had this general feeling that it wasn't quite as cozy or 'homey' as I thought it would be... despite weeks of installing LEDs, sink, vanity cabinet, etc.  It...
  2. Svenn

    Buy pre-wired LEDs, don't do the dyi/ thing

    This is the second time I've bought hundreds of dollars worth of led strips and accessories from them only to have no explanation given as to how to connect the strips and, after days of labor on my vehicle, only to have them not work.  I watched dozens of youtube videos to try to see how my...
  3. Svenn

    Hairdryers- do battery or low wattage exist?

    Trying to find a hairdryer that pulls less than 900W at 120VAC or is battery-charged.  Maybe I should just buy one of those Dyson dust-busters and reverse it so it blows?  Heat isn't really necessary.  No she can't just stick her head out the window at 70 mph ;)
  4. Svenn

    Pay parking options for stealth-ers?

    I'm wondering about times when it's late in the day or I just don't have time or energy or to find a free place to park my stealth vehicle.  What options are there for stealth folk for undisturbed paid parking short of an RV campground?  All I can think of are those massive public airport...
  5. Svenn

    Best hinge for folding bed?

    Anyone use one of these gravity-driven drafting table hinges for a folding bed in your rig?  I want to be able to lift the last third of my bed about 45 degrees to get to storage underneath, without having to prop it up or do anything complicated.  It's my understanding these hinges lock in...
  6. Svenn

    Safely drilling holes in floor of vehicle

    I thought drilling 3" vent holes in the floor of my new Toyota SUV would be straightforward, like in the bed of the truck I had before, but on inspection there is a LOT of stuff both above and below the floorboard, not to mention I can't really tell if the floorboard is double-plated... so even...
  7. Svenn

    "Dog is comfortable" sticker decoy for safety

    Did a search of the forum and didn't see if anyone's talked about this before, but I saw this sticker for sale and seems like a good break-in deterrent?  Obviously would only work if part of your interior is obscured or windows are blacked out
  8. Svenn

    Floor vent in shower- electrocution?

    I really want to put a floor vent fan in the custom shower enclosure I built, and I got 4" marine-grade duct fans, a 90 degree 4" pipe elbow, and louvered vent hole cover; (so everything sits above floor level).  But it's still gonna have water spraying directly on it, and I guess I'm worried...
  9. Svenn

    Do I need a resistor between my car battery and 12V devices?

    I was going to hook up some 12v LEDs, water pump, fans directly to my Toyota hybrid 12V battery (without going through the 120v inverter) but then read something that I might need a resistor to keep the 'power' (I have no idea what the units are called lol) constant to those appliances?  Or is...
  10. Svenn

    Slim profile/low depth light switches?

    I have a bunch of little spots around my vehicle where I need to mount some switches flush with the vehicle's existing wall paneling, which I don't necessarily want to drill holes into (might hit a wire).  Problem is the normal household setup requires recessing a hole into the wall, and they're...
  11. Svenn

    Switch to turn inverter on 6ft away?

    I want to turn my inverter on from the driver's seat, 6ft away from where it sits in the rear of my vehicle.  Do I really have to buy 12ft of heavy 2AWG wire to make that happen or is there some easier way??
  12. Svenn

    Do water tanks need to slope?

    It's really hard to research this question because I don't even know how to phrase it- but do RV water freshwater tanks need to have a slope to them so, when the water level gets low, it all accumulates in one part of the tank so the pump hose can get every last drop?   There doesn't appear to...
  13. Svenn

    Tips for removable foam window covers?

    Anyone have any tips for making thick (>2") semi-rigid foam window covers that can be removed? I've been searching a while now... In my last vehicle I had, like most people here, reflectix and these custom roll-up covers of a similar thin, shiny material.  The insulation wasn't enough, plus...
  14. Svenn

    My insurance won't total my wrecked vehicle

    Anyone have any experience with pushing an insurance company to total a vehicle that's been in a wreck?  I hit a tree in a pretty damaging collision (no bodily injury) but the insurance company wants to spend months and months in a massive repair.  It was my second home and I don't have any...
  15. Svenn

    Stealth grey water emptying?

    I have a shower in my vehicle and I use only bio-safe soap; I have it draining directly to the ground because I've only been in rural areas.  So it's not even really grey water because there's no food or black water in it.  Problem is, how can I empty it if I'm stealthing on pavement and I don't...
  16. Svenn

    Is the car's defrost the same as a dehumidifier?

    I have a hybrid now that can run AC or heat all night- do I still need to buy a dehumidifier or will the defrost act the same as one?
  17. Svenn

    air-tight collapsable shower ideas?

    I want to have a self-enclosed air tight shower in my vehicle that won't steam up the whole place or cause mold.  I've seen the shower-curtain/plastic base enclosure idea, but that leaves a gap at the top near the ceiling for steam to get out.  I thought about a tent concept: but that would...
  18. Svenn

    Any Highlander Hybrid owners out there?

    I'm curious to know how often the gas engine turns on at night when running the AC, in different types of weather, or running other stuff off the battery.  No dealership will let me sit in the vehicle for an hour lol
  19. Svenn

    Hybrid cars- best overnight AC option?

    I've been reading from car campers that the Prius will run the AC all night, turning on every 30 min or so to charge the battery.  Can this really be done long term and does it really solve this most ancient of vandwelling problems? Would be a lot better than buying 500 lbs of deep cycle...
  20. Svenn

    Method for finding source of mysterious leaks?

    I have a leak somewhere in my truck canopy conversion that I just can't pinpoint the cause of.  Is there some sort of established method or technique to trace the source of a water leak in general?