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  1. Seadog729


    I have to say the only time I had sleep anxiety was when my kids went to their dad's and I was alone. Completely irrational that I would feel safer sleeping when I had my kids with me, but I think it is what you are used to.
  2. Seadog729


    ba ha ha ha ha, yep that'll settle those nerves right down!!
  3. Seadog729


    Hi Bast, Welcome here!! Just wanted to let you know that I have made plenty of mistakes (mechanically) and that's how I learned!! I have also built up something of a team concerning repairs for my vehicle. Some of them I only consult with or get advice, I have 2 mechanics. I bought a cargo...
  4. Seadog729

    Today is D-Day. Should I do this?

    You are going to be fine!! Look at you, you've prepared and provided for your needs as a vandweller and it is going to work out just fine. Part of looking after your needs now is to just normalize your lifestyle and you can do that by sharing your experience here and reading about others...
  5. Seadog729

    What am I thinking?!

    Indeed; what are you thinking?!! When I asked this question of myself I was living in a basement suite with a grumpy landlord upstairs. I had an F150 with a camperette and my young daughter. I stayed up all night with that question and trying to answer it. I am so excited for you and can't...
  6. Seadog729

    After almost a year of saving..

    I installed plastic drawers from Walmart, but next time I will get some regular cabinets, but the cost is more. We have IKEA up here, where you can (purchase) set up your whole kitchen with their drawers and cabinets. And they are lightweight. The only thing you will have to add in are what I...
  7. Seadog729

    Quintin and Logan

    I pray you are a blessing to each other and encourage each other. Sometimes I wish I was staring again with a new van!
  8. Seadog729

    New chick - no idea what I'm doing

    What a blessing to hear your story. I am divorced and in my 50's now and one mistake I made was... I married a homebody. We were dwellers 3 times in our lives and each time my husband was depressed over it. We split up for other reasons and now I am free for so many reasons, I can't count...
  9. Seadog729

    Here I go

    Welcome here Dan!! So excited for you and your new van!
  10. Seadog729

    Van vs Skoolie

    I LIKE it, and interested in the MPG. You can do lots with that space!!
  11. Seadog729

    Too poor to retire and too young to die

    I agree with Snow Gypsy Something tells me that this woman is actually enjoying the moving around and having the jobs that she has and that a news person decided to exploit her situation. I have seen several stories like this that were negative toward the RV lifestyle. Most of the people failing...
  12. Seadog729

    Craziest things you've seen people do to remain living in their sticks & bricks?

    The craziest thing I ever saw (and it was me)... was not have enough to pay the rent, and also not have enough gas to go out to the lake for the day. There were a few other options, but none nicer than to spend a summer day at the lake! What grace I have in my life to float around in my...
  13. Seadog729

    Hi From Quebec

    Bonjour Daniel et Sylvie. J'habite dans BC. J'etudie francais. Welcome here!!
  14. Seadog729

    Hello everybody

    Wow, would love to see some of the those pictures!!
  15. Seadog729

    Today is D-Day. Should I do this?

    I have experienced some anxiety on moving from my condo to my van. Once I was out and established with regular haunts, like the gym, the river and the college, it was fine. I go to a potluck once a week and the routine becomes quite comfortable. There is good community here, youtube and...
  16. Seadog729

    On The Road Living... In a Family Way?

    I would hope that you would only have positive vibes here as a vandweller with children. I have done this on and off with children and these are some of my experiences: One time when my oldest daughter was 4 she had an ear infection and bronchitis. It was January and living in a 16 foot...
  17. Seadog729

    Here I Go!

    Welcome and I'm so excited for you and the build you are embarking on.
  18. Seadog729

    Lend me your "ear" and I will tell you a most curious tale... of trying to buy a van.

    If I were selling a vehicle for $3500, I would do what I could to help the buyer. Having said that, I have fallen in love with a few vans that have died on me and wished that I hadn't rushed into making their purchase. It will cost more than $1000 to drive it back to Ontario (as he said he...
  19. Seadog729

    Hello from the PNW

    Absolutely, then us Canadians come down there and join you!
  20. Seadog729

    Any scientific / academic types here?

    I am a criminology major with a minor in linguistics. When I first read your post it reminded me of how we categorize our language very much like a science. In fact information science would seem very much like a language all its own. Would it be true then, if you have language acquisition...