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Van Living Forum

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  1. D

    What do you think of this van?

    Looks great with a good price. still have to bend over in the van. Why not get one that you can stand in? Believe me, as the years go by I so appreciate being able to stand up straight all the time. Might cost a bit more, but many of the new vans (Ford Transit, RAM Promaster, and...
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    Of a certain age and earning money on the road.

    Hi Van Grrl, I wouldn't worry about the job situation if you are open to short term, seasonal work which might be physical and different from a professional career with pay around $10 an hour.   I just turned age 80 and spent the past five years working seasonal jobs while full-timing for...
  3. D

    If you had to choose a class c ( except lazy daze ) which one would you choose?

    OK...I am biased.  I totally recommend the Lazy Daze.  If you are single, the 24 footer might work out.  If a couple, the 27 footer for full-timing might be better because of breathing space. Keep looking.  There are quite a few for sale, although they tend to hold their value.  We full-timed...
  4. D

    Which Van is Best? Oh No, Not Again!

    Based on our seven years full-timing in the USA and Canada, I definitely recommend a stand-up van.  In fact, I strongly recommend a small, used Class C with everything already built in.  The one I recommend is a Lazy Daze 24 foot which can serve as your home plus car.  We always carried kayaks...
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    Solar/Power Help....

    I am adding solar to our new van next week using AM Solar of Springfield, Oregon.  They are outstanding for their service, kits, or installs. Our first rig was a Class C where we had two panels of 85 Watts each.  That was good enough for our everyday use for seven years before we sold the rig. ...
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    Buying New vs. Used $$$$$

    In my mind, the answer to your question depends upon age, finances and desired lifestyle.  We have been retired for 22 years. Our first RV, a used 1998 Lazy Daze RV (Class C), was purchased eight years ago for $28,500 with new ones going for $80,000.  We enjoyed it for seven years of full timing...
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    The reality of not having a home, and getting old.

    Great topic as this applies to us as we approach our eighties.  For the most part we followed the route of the American Dream and succeeded beyond expectations.  However, once we retired in our fifties, a glitch occurred when our annuity company went bankrupt in our early sixties costing us...
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    Selling all my belongings, opinions needed please!

    Hi Cheli, This can be a tough one depending upon your vision of your new lifestyle and your commitment to it. Ten years after we retired and had  built a beautiful new home, I realized we were owned by our possessions.  So we started on the road of freedom recovery which took about another...
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    Grandma's Chevy Cargo Van Conversion to a Simple Camper Van

    Looking for the photos that accompany your excellent forum.