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    Frozen locks

    I use lock de-icer. It comes in a small pressurized can. You can find it at hardware stores and sometimes the automotive department of big box stores. If you put almost boiling water in a freezer bag and hold it on the outside of the lock...
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    What's for dinner?

    ^^WR I hadn't seen that one. I'm going to have to check it out. Thanks! Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
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    What's for dinner?

    As a follow up to my last post... It's important not to shock the jars if using them for freezing or baking. Avoid shattered jars by avoiding anything that rapidly changes the temperature of the glass. So don't pull the frozen jar out of the freezer and put it directly into the microwave. Don't...
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    What's for dinner?

    I always use Ball or Kerr brand jars. You need flat sided ones like these half pint jars- or these pint jars- It is important NOT to get the...
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    What's for dinner?

    ^^^ John61CT I 100% agree that freezer space and access to a slow cooker makes doing the way I described above not practical for many mobile dwellers. (I did say that it was something I used to do in S&B, and as a response to Squire. I was basically sharing what used to work for me as a single...
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    What's for dinner?

    Hey Squire, no prob. We all gotta vent sometimes. If you want to chat feel free to PM me. Have you heard of crockpot freezer meals? I found them very helpful when living in a S&B where I had freezer space and a need for cheap good meals with little money and less time. (A common state for a...
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    What's for dinner?

    Yup it can be cheaper and healthier at the same time, but the problem is that there are so many really cheap 'foodlike substances' that are mistaken for food but have very little nutritional value. Pop, for instance, is lacking in so many ways. If I'd eaten a piece of fruit or a vegetable and...
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    What's for dinner?

    Tonight will be scrambled eggs and ham with homemade almond/flax bread and spiced wild plum jam. ^^Dingfelder I know what you mean about eating it even if it's not your favorite. I hate to waste food. ~angie Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
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    What's for dinner?

    Thanks WR. I hadn't heard of her yet. Here's a link to an interview about a woman who wrote a cookbook for trying to eat well on a limited food budget. There's a free...
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    Headed south along east coast?

    That's great news Cathie! ~angie Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
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    Hello, from Sacramento, CA

    Hello AroyalQueen and welcome to the forum! ~angie Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
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    What's for dinner?

    I do have a blender, but the leftover rice was already really soft when I added it to the soup. It turned out really good, actually. I use leftover rice (usually wild, but sometimes brown) to make "rice eggs and bacon." I grew up eating this often but every deer season we'd have it for opening...
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    Haiku poetry game!

    you will see blue sky do not forget that, my son on a cloudy day Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
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    Haiku poetry game!

    to get to the top you're going to do some climbing but just don't look down Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
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    What's for dinner?

    So, yesterday I learned one way that doesn't work for making spanish rice, lol. I did freeze a couple of portions of it because hell if I'll throw away "good" food just because it has a strange texture. More than half of the rice had a baby cereal puree texture. Like eating spanish rice flavored...
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    My 2003 Honda Odyssey

    Do you have a bed? a place to store food? (Not necessarily a fridge freezer combo, but dry storage at the least) a place to store water? a plan for toileting or a toilet setup? (Can just have a plan to pee in a jug and solid waste gets downloaded in public toilets) a sleeping bag that will keep...
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    Headed south along east coast?

    I'd suggest looking and posting in the "ride share" section of Craig's list. Perhaps you will find some kind hearted animal lover who is traveling and looking for someone (or a fourlegged someone) to share gas expenses with? Good luck, ~angie Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
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    Hello Cathie and welcome to the forum. I have a teenage son too, when I moved into my trailer he moved, too (we both moved out of our rental at the same time). It was hard not tomorrow about him constantly at first, but things are going well. Glad you found the forum. ~angie Sent from my...
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    What's for dinner?

    ^^I'm with you on eating leftovers. I froze all the rest of the soup last night in pint jars. It's nice on days when I just don't have the energy to cook, to just defrost something. And I never really got used to just cooking single portions, so I still cook the same amount as before, I just eat...
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    What's for dinner?

    Chicken/carrot/onion/garlic/potato soup. It's been simmering in the rice cooker for a few hours now. Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk