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    Haiku poetry game!

    I know Gs, I know Fs and Ps, Qs and Rs, too But I don't know U Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
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    Haiku poetry game!

    but who is looking peering down on you asleep is it friend or foe? Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
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    Where is the best place to buy my first propane tank?

    Two places I get the 30# tanks filled use weight and charge by the pound. Both are gas station/convenience store types of places. One other place I go to is a propane company and they charge by the gallon and the hose there has a gauge similar to a gasoline pump. Either way I only pay for what...
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    Haiku poetry game!

    Watching cactus grow defensive Flora become Flowerpot soldiers Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
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    New here!

    Hello Meterjoe and welcome to the forum. ~angie Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
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    My Ice House/Fish House adventure begins

    ^^^^ ok, thanks for that. I have some homework to do. Will update when I know more. ~angie Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
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    Where is the best place to buy my first propane tank?

    If you"re on a tight budget, shop around. Refilling a 20 or 30# tank costs less in this area (per # of propane) than exchanging the blue rhino tank. You can buy empty propane tanks at most any hardware/home improvement store if you do decide to go that route. If space is a consideration, go...
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    My Ice House/Fish House adventure begins

    ^^^Roamer, thanks. I'm glad you're enjoying it. That's good to hear cuz honestly sometimes I feel a little like I'm flying by the seat of my pants. Lol. Good advice about calling the dealership. I've had to do that a few times so far. ^^^highdesertranger - please explain further. I thought that...
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    stalks and NOT celery!

    Definitely, too many people give about as much thought into getting a pet as they do buying a blender, not considering the animal's quality of life. It's depressing. The main point I disagreed with in the previous statement was the solid "pets are for adults" which I interpreted as "no kid...
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    stalks and NOT celery!

    Maybe I was just triggered by that statement. Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
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    stalks and NOT celery!

    ^^^ I respectfully disagree. Halfway. Yes, theres so much wrong with irresponsible kids who are gifted a pet by unthinking people who think it's just cute to pretend that a toddler is responsible enough to take care of a living thing. But, the other side of that is kids who are like I was...
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    My Ice House/Fish House adventure begins

    So, here's several updates. As far as insulating the hole covers goes, I've decided that I'm not going to do that this year. I have the foam spray I'm going to try to use, but the weather and my health aren't cooperating so far. Though it is supposed to be in the 40s by the end of the week, so...
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    stalks and NOT celery!

    Sometimes I wonder about people who choose to share their lives on YouTube travel & vanlife channels. Do they ever get concerned about sharing what the outside of their right looks like? Not people who live in nondescript white vans, but people who live in rigs that are readily recognizable from...
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    Newbie with 1987 Dodge Merry Miler Happy Van

    Hello Hoyttrac and welcome to the forum. ~angie Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
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    I played with my poop

    ^^^ just don't eat corn on the cob the day before this switcheroo plan. Sounds legit to me. ~angie Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
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    Food liberation (Dumpster Diving)

    I 100% agree with the mindset that edible food should not be wasted. We shouldn't be throwing it away just because it's a little bruised up or it's going to expire in a few days, or (for that matter) it's 'best by' date was a couple days ago, or there's just a surplus of it. But 'liberating it's...
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    I played with my poop

    So years ago I'd heard that rock climbers "back in the day" used a method called "smearing" to dispose of solid waste on long climbs. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT THIS METHOD IS NO LONGER RECOMMENDED. Here's what I found recently in looking for references to this outdated method - "These are...
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    What do you do with idle time?

    So, this observation is one I realized a few years ago. I realized that (at that time I was in my mid 30s) I do not have enough time in the rest of my life to do everything I'm interested in. I know that may sound kind of morbid, but it really isn't, and the realization was really a positive...
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    To Pet, or Not to Pet? Pros and Cons, please!

    Together? Or separate closets? Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk
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    Haiku poetry game!

    every year's prom queens social lottery winners fake authority Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk