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  1. Les Hall

    Rattling dishes, pots & pans etc.

    Thanks everyone. Les
  2. Les Hall

    Rattling dishes, pots & pans etc.

    Going to be hitting the road in about a month. Wondered how y'all stop all your cooking gear, anything really, from rattling and chinking? I fear it may drive me crazy! I was thinking of making a plate rack of upright dowels with foam covering said dowels. Drawers will have soft foam liners...
  3. Les Hall

    Y-splitter for propane?

    Is it possible to have one 20lb propane tank supply two appliances? Also, how long a run can a propane feed be? Thanks, Les
  4. Les Hall

    Life changes - excited, full of fear!

    Hi Everyone. Les here from Dallas. Getting divorced, wife gets house. Didn't want to immediately rent or buy somewhere as I am pretty sick of the weather & lack of wilderness near or in Dallas. So bought a 2017 Ram Promaster and am in the middle of converting it into my little 12x6x6 home...