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  1. dhuff

    cheap small device (but with keyboard) specifically for surfing Web - recommendations?'s called "Prime Day" and is July 11-12 this year. :)
  2. dhuff

    cheap small device (but with keyboard) specifically for surfing Web - recommendations?

    With "Amazon Day" (or whatever it's officially called) coming up soon, people wanting one of those Fire tablets should keep an eye on their website. Those get pretty big discounts during this time, as well as during Black Friday in the Fall...
  3. dhuff

    What are you reading?

    I just read the next installment of Charlie Stross' The Laundry Files series. If you like extremely well-written and engaging dark urban fantasy mixed with Lovecraftian horror, this is for you! The first novel in the series is The Atrocity Archives, and the wiki devoted to the series suggests a...
  4. dhuff

    small AC cooling without hookup.

    I've seen bullfrog make this comment on more than one discussion thread and it's really the best take for now. Viewed more than one Youtube video where someone was sleeping in a Prius (one of their plug-in hybrid models, if I recall), set the automatics climate control to a certain temp & the AC...
  5. dhuff

    Looking to get a hightop installed.

    Somewhat closer than Calif., tho' still definitely out West, is Wasatch Overland in West Valley City, UT. They're authorized installers of Tufport Fiberglass High-Tops from Canada.
  6. dhuff

    Visible: Complete your required phone upgrade. Get a $100 gift card.

    We have Visible in the metro D/FW area in Texas and this is definitely not true for us. Yes, as a std. Visible customer, your data rate is subject to Quality of Service (QoS) rules that might limit data rates on really congested cell towers. I rarely notice data speed issues, and I'm a std...
  7. dhuff

    Visible: Complete your required phone upgrade. Get a $100 gift card.

    If you decide to try it out, ask me or any other Visible customer here on the forum. Any of us can add you to our "friends and family plan" and lower your bill by a bit. Visible opened up those plans for anyone, you don't have to be literal family.
  8. dhuff

    Homelessness [split from Leadville and Salida Ranger Districts]

    I was about to come post these very links, but Carla beat me to it (y). Well made and well worth watching if you're interested in this topic.
  9. dhuff

    Visible: Complete your required phone upgrade. Get a $100 gift card.

    Another reasonably happy Visible customer here. Had it a few years and am generally pleased. Only run into a few no-service areas or times my speed has been throttled. You can fix the network congestion / throttling issues (most of the time) by paying for their slightly more expensive Visible+...
  10. dhuff

    Homelessness [split from Leadville and Salida Ranger Districts]

    Agree, it is a good video. Looking forward to part 2. I also noted how many of the interviewees actually had jobs, even high-paying ones like that fellow who was a software developer. And yet Cost of Living is so high in the SF Bay area that even "software developer" guy wanted to find...
  11. dhuff

    What are people like on the Olympic Peninsula?

    I truly didn't intend to paint any one "political side" as if they were all baddies, and I really did mean it when I said political extremes of any sort aren't something I feel comfortable around. But to ignore the fact that we are a very politically divided country doesn't do anyone a...
  12. dhuff

    cheap small device (but with keyboard) specifically for surfing Web - recommendations?

    Just saw this video today on Youtube. Nice mid-range Android tablet from Lenovo at a lower-end price: The reviewer has been on Youtube for awhile and is trustworthy IMHO. I'm willing to make an exception to my "don't buy Android tablets except Amazon devices at the very low end" advise for...
  13. dhuff

    Hot Topic: Social Security

    I'm currently still working, and yes. I also support raising the cap (or eliminating it).
  14. dhuff

    Visible Limitations

    Visible is running a $15 off per month deal for the first 12 months for new customers right now. Deal ends Jan. 23, 2023. Go watch this YouTube video for details... Visible Launches $15 Truly Unlimited Plan! (Limited Time Promotion)
  15. dhuff

    Visible Limitations

    All three of my family members have used Visible quite successfully running iPhones exclusively. From a 6s thru a brand new 14.
  16. dhuff

    Hot Topic: Social Security

    I'm not against this in theory, but there would have to be iron-clad arrangements in place that if you frittered away your "personal acct" via poor financial mgmt or bad/speculative investments, that you absolutely couldn't come crying to the rest of us taxpayers to bail you out. This does not...
  17. dhuff

    Visible Limitations

    As a Visible customer for a few years, I can confirm this is how it works.
  18. dhuff

    cheap small device (but with keyboard) specifically for surfing Web - recommendations?

    After a lot of thought, here are my two suggestions. Background: I've been involved with "personal computing" since the 1980s (yeah, the old Apple II and CP/M days). I have 30+ years of work experience in IT as a Sys Admin, Network Engineer, and Cybersecurity Engineer, and I'm experienced with...
  19. dhuff

    cheap small device (but with keyboard) specifically for surfing Web - recommendations?

    A good reason to go with Apple mobile devices vs. Android. Apple tends to keep older devices on the OS upgrade path much longer than Android device mfgs. I'd suggest lurking on the Apple refurb website until you see a deal. They basically sell devices that as as good as new...
  20. dhuff

    cheap small device (but with keyboard) specifically for surfing Web - recommendations?

    No worries at all! I really enjoy your posts and learn great stuff from them. Always good to have a well-rounded discussion about certain issues anyway. Merry Christmas!