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  1. BinDerSmokDat


    Another thing to consider in the insulation /condensation equation is heat source. Any heaters that burn fuel are going to produce a lot of water vapor as a combustion by-product.  Electric element heaters produce no water vapor.
  2. BinDerSmokDat


    If cold weather is your primary concern, research shows XPS provides better results than polyiso.... Remember that R values are calculated at a standard temp. (75F) They aren't tested across a range of temps.
  3. BinDerSmokDat

    1989 Dodge B250 318

    With any vehicle that old, soft parts will likely need replacing. Belts, tires, hoses, bushings, coil spring pads. These things deteriorate with age regardless of miles. Wouldn't be surprised if that's what is wrong with the brake leak. Also find out what the grandson did to "fix" it. Not only...
  4. BinDerSmokDat

    NJ Van Camper

    Exit 6 NJTP. Thanks for all the warm welcomes everyone! One of the things I like here is how function is valued over aesthetics. If I see one more "camper" pic with 300lbs of pine screwed to the roof of a van, I'll scream. I call it "pinterest paneling." My plan is to keep things light to...
  5. BinDerSmokDat

    Chevy Express / GMC Savanna / Ford Econoline

    I went with 2001 E150 4.2 V6 cargo  with NO RUST and only 80,000 miles, spent life doing 95% passenger duty. But it was my stepdad's so I had an inside track. The big three will all be decent to you. For $5K you should be able to find early 2000's with reasonable mileage. I'd avoid anything...
  6. BinDerSmokDat

    NJ Van Camper

    Hello, I'm not new to camping but new to RV's and converting vans to campers. I recently inherited my late step-fathers 2001 Ford E-150 plain old cargo van and will be converting it for camping use. I'm not going to be dwelling in it long-term, but want to be able to use it as a tow vehicle for...