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  1. R

    Defrosting in the New World

    To me, 'Genius' would be if they made a fridge that didn't die at 5 years old...and then the new fridge had instructions that made clear what the real process was to deal with the bloody thing.
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    Defrosting in the New World

    Marvels of Modern Appliance Technology Living in a trailer rather than a 'stix n' brix' domicile, it isn't just smaller quarters that is one of life's trials. Quality of life is important too, and one of those things involved is that appliances are rather cheaply made. Since this home of...
  3. R

    Things to do to keep feeling "normal" while living out of your van?

    I am not clear on "...I want to live in my minivan to jumpstart my stock investments to start making 2,000 in monthly dividends...". So how do you guarantee you're going to make that much? The stock market has been known to go to crap on occasion. Are you managing your portfolio or do you...
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    Dear Quilting: I rather doubt there's such a page; the one thing he had left after his conflagration was his beloved (and IMHO overpolished to the point of worship) Harley. Which he got onto and departed after a few days of moping around railing against the world (which hadn't been responsible...
  5. R

    OREGON '23...............Postcards from the Road

    What am I missing here? Water so cold...van overheating...would seem to be a marriage made in heaven. Unless you crack the engine block. Details, details...
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    OREGON '23...............Postcards from the Road

    Notice to all...I herewith claim "Lizards in the Van" as the name of my backing band. When I can afford a backing band. And I find musicians who don't mind going on-stage as stetson-hatted lizards. I can just hear it now: Now I've got heartaches by the number lizards in my van hissing...
  7. R

    Insulation Question

    I read the same thing about hempcrete, but recognize it'd be heavy as my Uncle Lewis (and he was not a svelte guy; you could have made about 2.5 regular men out of him). My query was about hemp matting alone, which I recognize would be flammable, but if you have almost any kind of fire in any...
  8. R

    Insulation Question

    I know that we have some mechano-scientifical souls on the forum, so I have a Q. Was reading on the BBC website today about building with Hempcrete (a mix of ground-up hemp, lime, and a binder, which would be stix & brix applicable only) but while they were writing about the thermal qualities...
  9. R

    Non-motorized nomads

    A Pogo Stick?? Jeez, I'd think in a couple of miles one'd probably have the beginnings of a severe concussion. Seems to me I recall from childhood (maybe something from Acme Corporation, our ol' pal Wile E. Coyote's supplier?) shoes that had 3-inch semi-heavy compression springs between the...
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    I just wanted to say...WITHOUT restarting a closed thread...that I just got around to reading the "This throws a bad light on RVs. News from Seattle" thread and found it amazing. Batting around (for the most part) wise and creative ideas without getting overtly political and vituperative is...
  11. R

    I need to be free

    That is just too dang cute a setup, Maki. Toaster & Caboose does sound a little like a cheap lawfirm, tho'.
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    I need to be free

  13. R

    I need to be free

    That's a little frightening. The last time I was in a rotation was when that jerk bully John Lee gave me a swirly in 7th grade. And he later ended up a mayor in some town in Indiana. Figures. But thank you for the small notoriety.
  14. R

    I need to be free

    Well, as it says in the Book of Elucidation, Ch. 7 Verse 12-22: Comicalness is next to Godlicalness. (or that may have been in a fortune cookie I got once)
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    I need to be free

    As a practicing NOM (Negative Old Man), I think it's my duty to remind a young person like you that balance is an important thing in life. Positive and loving are wonderful things, but don't forget that glum, fetid, and grumblingful have their place, too. Personally, I try to do at least one...
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    I need to be free

    Oh...neglected to say this: I also welcome you...and have faith that someone as positive as you present yourself to be will find your way thru the Plinko machine of life with a minim of hesitation on any particular nail.
  17. R

    I need to be free

    To everyone in the thread: EVERYTHING needs energy healing. But saying that (okay, Writing that, be picky) I am reminded of the Gary Larson cartoon many years ago about the Appliance Healer, where a line of people with their appliances approach a Faith Healer who is saying "I command these...
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    24/7 Chat About Anything

    As an elderly drug-stupefied tippler, I take deep exception to your words but cannot remember why.
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    Greetings All

    Jake...all good vibrations coming your way. If you look at Bob Wells' vids, type in 'Prius' with it; a number of people are apparently traveling with those as their gypsy wagon, and it's something I'll be considering after my current life phase ends (if I decide to go back on the road). Make...
  20. R

    I wonder if there's some way to fill this need

    First thing I thought of in this context was "local church". The second was "local adult center". The third thing I thought was "chocolate cheesecake", but that has nothing to do with the discussion. It's just that I think of chocolate cheesecake a lot. So I told myself "this is important...