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  1. G

    perfect road trip?

    THIS IS THE PERFECT U.S. ROAD TRIP ACCORDING TO SCIENTISTS  The map, created by Randy Olson with help from Tracy Staedter, pinpoints a mix of 50 major national landmarks, national historic...
  2. G

    I'm a retired Aussie who loves to design small nomadic life

    thank you very much for the good wishes, the info about "windowfarms", and the links to more van-designing and van-living sites. i'm spending hours exploring your recommendations and keep coming across new ideas to incorporate in my current design.  i first came across the idea of growing food...
  3. G

    I'm a retired Aussie who loves to design small nomadic life

    i've been following these ideas for many years and i've learned a lot.  (including the Grey Nomads and then Vanabode and now Bob Wells).  i don't know if life on the road is in my future, but downsizing and frugalism definitely is. i'm currently weeding out 40 years of family accumulation and...
  4. G

    International Family desire Mobility

    each of our (now adult) children (10 years between them) went to 15 different "schools" during their childhoods. partly due to travel (national and international) and partly due to family lifestyle changes, and partly due to a school or teacher being inadequate (not responding to my child's...
  5. G

    32 Driving Hacks That Will Make You A Roadtripping Master

    i tried to attach the pinterest driving tips in a word doc but the file size is too big to send to you.  i have almost 6000kb in images to post but the limit is about 1500kb.  that's a shame as some of the tips looked very useful, otherwise i wouldn't waste our time.  so i'll just attach a...
  6. G

    Somebody ransacked my van last night.

    for many years i owned old, rusty vehicles that i'd leave unlocked, making sure there was nothing of value in the car. about twice a year i'd find evidence that someone had checked out the interior for goodies to sell (for drugs). but they never did any damage, unlike friends who always locked...
  7. G

    32 Driving Hacks That Will Make You A Roadtripping Master

    being my first posting, i'm not sure i've found the right forum for this topic. please move it if it's in the wrong place.  i found this on pinterest and wonder if all you people agree with these tips, or would have anything to add. i'm new here, not a vandweller, but have been fascinated by...