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  1. broken ed


    You know,,, I don't know - I'll check. And I don't think anyone brought this up and I haven't heard of it before this. You bet I'll check.
  2. broken ed


    It's a good thought but credit card companies aren't much better then insurance companies. I purchased a TV for my wife last Christmas as a gift in Target. The very same card was denied, the clerk telling me I need to phone the credit card company. There should have been no problem and I...
  3. broken ed


    RoamerRV428, your point is well taken. I am aware, for example, American Express is not accepted as widely as Visa and Master Cards in part I'm sure because American Express charges higher merchant fees. And it wouldn't surprise me to see the same with Bluebird since it is an American Express...
  4. broken ed


    American Express Bluebird is one that looked good to me that came up with good reviews, thanks
  5. broken ed


    Thanks Cyndi, I'm happy with my banks and credit cards. They're only doing what the should do, pay ligament charges. I never get any fees and one even gives me free checks, Ally Bank. It's the companies I must deal with (because I have no choice) I'm locked in on such as with my health insurance...
  6. broken ed


    It's sad, I have good credit, two banks, two credit cards, but I just don't trust some companies I must do business with, like my mail order prescription company. They never let me know how I'm going to be charged before dinging my credit card and sending out the prescription. There are a few...
  7. broken ed

    How can I tell if the battery is going out of service

    Batteries Plus, now known as Batteries + Bulbs, will perform a free "capacity test" not to be confused with a "cold crank amp test" that would be done for automotive batteries. They did this for me on six deep cycle batteries, one was at 9%, the best one was at 86% (if memory serves), 86% they...
  8. broken ed

    asset forfeiture

    Interesting story on asset forfeiture. This has been covered before in these threads, even by Bob Wells. This offers some perspective. Defining What's Excessive In Police Property Seizures Remains Tricky...
  9. broken ed


    I can't work anymore, but cool resource for those that can. I had never heard of it. Thanks for sharing this.
  10. broken ed

    what you already knew

    This is in Vermont, but outlines what you already know about cellphone coverage. A quote from the story: "roughly two-thirds of the tests that the FCC accepted showed service less than the carriers claimed." The full story here...
  11. broken ed

    advice please: SSDI for neurological/TBI and/or applying 10+ years late? [troll free]

    Keelee, you have a lot going on. I have a TBI from an accident and I’m on Social Security Disability. I believe this is different from SSDI. However – I did not use an attorney and I did not wait ten years. The first question that comes to me is; Had any doctor ever released you to go back to...
  12. broken ed

    going without... (cellphone that is) anyone?

    We have a Verizon Jet Pack, but rarely use. Verizon makes it to hard and  expensive to use. We have two T-Mobile lines with 5GB of high speed data on each for $60.00 a month (T-Mobile ONE Unlimited 55 plan). After that they throttle you back, or you can pay another $15.00 for an additional 20GB...
  13. broken ed

    going without... (cellphone that is) anyone?

    I've just purchased a new smart phone, as I explained in another post, an unlocked GSM Samsung Galaxy J3 for $169.00 to replace an iPhone 5 hand-me-down. Although I like having a smart phone I get what everyone is saying. Heck - I still have a compass,,, no, a magnetic compass. ;) But playing...
  14. broken ed

    are these really safe?

    This is is a direct copy and past from the user manual on page 5 of a Mr. Heater Buddy (PORTABLE BUDDY RADIANT HEATER, Model # MH9BX) "Or use F273704 Buddy series hose. Fuel filter not required." I did not know until a cracked the user manual again there was a hose available that did not...
  15. broken ed

    Are the propane exchanges underfilling their tanks?

    This  reminds me of back in the 1970's when companies would partially fill aerosol cans. It could deoderant, hair spray, what ever. But a small can could weigh more then a can twice the size. The correct ounces where labeled on the can, but people looked at the size. It might be legal but it's...
  16. broken ed

    new smart phone $170

    I hear what you're saying. I had a Psion palm top computer from the UK back in the 90's (counldn't afford HP's palm top running  DOS), then went to a Palm Pilot X|T. Really didn't like the Palm as much because it couldn't run as a stand alone device. I have always sought out small - portable...
  17. broken ed

    new smart phone $170

    Really I don't, it's a bit of a novelty to see the pointer going around the screen but I guess if your doing a lot of work it could be useful. More so; I would think would be a USB keyboard with touch-pad with your tablet. My main use, everyday, is to read and write files to a USB jump (thumb)...
  18. broken ed

    new smart phone $170

    For years I've been using hand-me-down phones, these have been iPhones. Due to some circumstances and a dropped iPhone 6 that shattered the screen, I purchased a new Android phone to replace my iPhone 5. My choice is a Samsung J3 (2018) unlocked GMS phone. Price? $169.99 everywhere, but got...
  19. broken ed

    are these really safe?

    Trebor English, Seminole Wind and Weight; Thanks for the education! It is incredibly useful to understand what going with this stuff before making a decision. In the past I have broke a Mr. Buddy heater before I knew about the filters by connecting it with a hose to a large tank. And before I...