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  1. R

    Vandwelling & America's failing dollar

    <p>This is the future.&nbsp; The Amero will be brought in as a new form of currency.&nbsp; Like the Euro Dollar, the Amero Dollar will be the new money.&nbsp; This will occur in December of 2012.&nbsp; United States Citizens will&nbsp;revolt.&nbsp; While the revolution is occuring, five...
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    <p>For insight on being alone, read the book Robinson Caruso.&nbsp; </p>
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    How to hide

    <p>To survive the great Earth changes that are coming, you will need to get away from the coasts.&nbsp; Go inland and get up high.&nbsp; Dig a deep drinking water well as all the surface water&nbsp;will be polluted.&nbsp; Make sure you go underground or have a mountain to the west of your RV and...
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    Slab City Pictures...

    <p>Just took a look see once about 3 years ago.&nbsp; Talked to several people about the security there.&nbsp; Only complaint was bicycles tend to dissapear if left out over night without a lock and chain on them.&nbsp; Some areas of Slab City look more like a dump...because that is what it...
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    70s era RVs - opinions, experience, advice?

    <p>The fiberglass egg travel trailers like the Casita have no issues with leaks.&nbsp; At least I haven't.&nbsp; So no hidden rotting in the walls or floors.&nbsp; My 17 ft Casita was made in two pieces like two bathtubs put together, one on top, one on the bottom with a waterproof seal around...
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    Military RV conversion?

    <p><img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif"><img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif"><img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif">The very best off road vehicle that is also street legal is the Pinzgauer...
  7. R

    so how much do you pay

    <p>Gas is going up and it will continue to go up.&nbsp; So drive what ever you have but put a Honda ct 90 on the back of your rig.&nbsp; This perfect little motorcycle will make you smile mile after mile after mile.&nbsp; It gets about a hundred miles to the gallon.&nbsp; No more gas worries.</p>
  8. R

    Need some long-time wisdom feedback please

    <p>Think about a pop up camper for&nbsp;a pick up with a Honda ct 90 motorcycle on the back.&nbsp; You can go anywhere almost.&nbsp; It is economical and the bike is a kick to ride.&nbsp; Put a wire basket on the front and a box on the back to carry things with.&nbsp; With the amount of freedom...
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    Yahoo article living on 11,000USD a year in RV

    <p>The article is way out touch with reality.&nbsp; The truth is we are heading for an economic collapse of such magnitude that only&nbsp;a revolution can cure.</p>
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    What is this???

    <p>Maybe&nbsp;a place to stash Gold?&nbsp; Our money&nbsp;has no value anymore so fill it with&nbsp;this commodity that has value.&nbsp; If any space left over...use Diamonds.&nbsp;But don't tell anybody.</p>
  11. R

    Have trouble finding your loo paper?

    <p>I would be very leary of glow in the dark TP.&nbsp; Remember Agent Orange, it took the US Government years before they would admit that it was harmful to US servicemen.&nbsp; By then a whole lot of the survivors were dead.</p>
  12. R

    Fiberglass Egg Trailers

    <p>My wife and I have lived in our 17 ft Casita travel trailer for 4 years now and love it.&nbsp; They are made in Rice Texas by really nice people.&nbsp; The newer ones have bigger and better tires and wheels.&nbsp; The older models had small tires and wheels from Goodyear that were no...
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    Earthquakes - Good Reason for being MOBILE

    <p>Look at the Lost &amp; Found section in local newspapers.&nbsp; When you begin to see lots of dogs and cats missing in your area, you know a Earthquake is coming soon.&nbsp; Stay away from the coasts because of Tidal Waves.&nbsp; Make your Van into a big bug out bag.&nbsp; Go inland and get...
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    Hi, I'm Bob, owner of

    <p>Howdy Bob,&nbsp; My wife and I have been Snowbirds for 4 years.&nbsp; We live in a Casita travel trailer that is 17 feet long and 6'8" wide.&nbsp; It is just a little bigger than a van.&nbsp; We have lived in RV parks mostly but now want to Boondock with our Honda 2000 generator, portable 90...