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  1. eoewan

    What song do you listen to most often?

    If I want soothing sounds I throw on Billy Holiday. If I want storytelling then I throw on John Prine. And for upbeat it's a mixture.
  2. eoewan

    Avatar's. I see pets,roads,indian flute player,selfie,etc.

    My Avatar is representing the old age of a Baba of which I am one. It is my personal Wisdom Keeper that has taught me to let things go and not think I need to control all things and to not let people take advantage of me. Her actual name is Sensitivity. I need to learn to not take things personally.
  3. eoewan

    What's your favourite dog fur remover?

    The best item I ever used was a sponge I picked up at a pet store. That thing was priceless because of how great it worked. Alas, with a move, it got misplaced.
  4. eoewan

    WOOHOO! I'm Divorced!

    I learnt with my first marriage that lasted all of 13 months that I was not ready to get into another relationship until I could think of my ex-husband without anger, hurt, or sorrow. Five years later I married my current husband. We are going on 31 years, 4 kids, and 6 grandkids. Definitely...
  5. eoewan

    Food & Water at the RTR

    Quote Almost There: "...there must be at least 6 or 8 Glacier water stations in town..." My question is, do you know if these stations offer distilled water? Asking due to needing distilled for a Cpap machine.
  6. eoewan

    Reasons why it cost more at the groomers

    Thirsty Boots Nomad, I wish there was a laughter button. Your last comment had me roaring.
  7. eoewan

    Reasons why it cost more at the groomers

    Love this post! I clip dogs but only hypo-allergenic dogs due to my allergies. The sign says it best!
  8. eoewan


    I've done the research as a Canadian. We can leave Canada and not change our residency as long as it is 6 months less a day. We must be in Canada for 6 months plus a day. Taxation does not change, health care does not change, etc. All you have to have in Canada to state it as your residency is a...
  9. eoewan


    In case anyone was wondering, I've located a puppy 20 Km away from us. He comes home on the 25th of this month. Meet StickBot the mini Schnauzer. [/URL]
  10. eoewan

    Woman's Forum: Walmart incident

    Quote CautionToTheWind: "...make up a coupled story is the first defensive strategy....comsnap photo his license plate..." endquote. Two very good ideas that should be in the fore front of any solo woman's repertoire.
  11. eoewan

    Woman's Forum: Walmart incident

    Yikes! I'm so glad you kept yourself safe and the other woman too. I shudder to think...I can't even finish that statement.
  12. eoewan

    About Linescrew1 and the RTR.

    I typed into YouTube RTR 2017 and went from there. All I have to say is there is too much drama, way more then anyone needs with and from a group who want/claim freedom and the simple life. Some of it (the videos) was actually very humourous. I'll be staying away from RTRs when we start full...
  13. eoewan

    Official DATES for RTR 2018: Rules and Maps

    Almost There quote: "... Some are even afraid of dogs and some are terribly allergic. ..." end quote. This is me, and wouldn't you know it that every dog that sees me comes up to me for pets. I can't touch the dogs unless I want to stop breathing. lol It's hypo-allergenic dogs for me - hair not...
  14. eoewan

    About Linescrew1 and the RTR.

    So I am to understand that drama from YouTube is now being brought to this forum. If I want to be up to date with what is happening in the nomad world I would have to delve into the world of Youtube. So far I need to go back and watch videos of the RTR 2017 and all corresponding videos including...
  15. eoewan

    About Linescrew1 and the RTR.

    Are we supposed to know who or what a Linescrew1 is? Totally confused here. Is there a link to the thread this is referring to?
  16. eoewan


    Funny this post should come up now. I was just thinking of getting a mini schnauzer pup. I'm going to have to look for one. I've never had an issue potty training a pup. It really is training yourself to be hypersensitive to the keys your pup exhibits when they have 'go'. If anyone does know of...
  17. eoewan

    Scared to try...

    [/URL] This is my advice.
  18. eoewan

    Any other swimmers/water lovers here?

    I adore the water. If I could I'd live on a houseboat. That, however, is not in the plans as I have to accommodate 3 other people. When we boondock in Ehrenberg is there a public swimming pool that I could sign my son up for swim lessons? I can't seem to find an answer with google. I would love...
  19. eoewan

    Women Only: Safety on the road - sexual assault

    As GypsySpirit and RV-Hopeful stated, I too will be a peripheral tag along when I hit the road with my son. My first to do when I'm ready is to post here to see who will be where and if they wouldn't mind a newbie tagging along. Not to be intrusive. It would be to get comfortable.
  20. eoewan

    Heat Resistant Rubberized Silicone

    Anyone have experience with this stuff? I'm going to be resealing on the roof and want to know if I could use this stuff? The roof is a rubber skin. It says can be used on rubber. It stays soft.