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  1. Where~the~wind~blows

    Three strikes - Contingency Plans

    I am a prepper at heart, so I have lots of crazy stuff, for water I have an reverse osmosis machine, makes up to 50 gallons per day if I remember.... only used it for a few days, it sits onto of a 55 gallon drum and has a shut off if the drum gets full, It was 800.00 from a company out of Texas...
  2. Where~the~wind~blows

    proposals and stuff

    <strong>sl1966 Will you marry me Wind, I'll buy you a pizza.<br /><br /></strong><em>PIZZA? meh! make it cheesecake and it's on!</em><br /><br />
  3. Where~the~wind~blows

    Three strikes - Contingency Plans

    For me my health is an issue and I can at any time become unable to work (what I am currently doing) so, I think about this all the time<br /><br />Money: Going on disability&nbsp;is always a possibility. Aside from pet grooming, I can paint, crochet, macrame, do para legal work, be an online...
  4. Where~the~wind~blows

    RECIPES for the ROAD

    Tonight I am going to purchase one of those BBQ chickens, at a local warehouse type place you get twice the chicken for 1.00 less, but the chicken doesn't taste as good as what I call the "BBQ pigeon" they sell at our local grocery store, the skin is always crispy, and well seasoned! so I am...
  5. Where~the~wind~blows

    Rattlesnake Vaccine for Dogs

    Our pets are nothing more than guinea pig fodder for&nbsp;pharmaceutical companies, ever since I joined the rabies challenge fund and had them open my eyes to the dangers of over vaccination of our &nbsp;pets I would be&nbsp;weary&nbsp;of any&nbsp;&nbsp;untested&nbsp;vaccine&nbsp; and to test it...
  6. Where~the~wind~blows

    The Story of Your Enslavement

    As a matter of primal instinct, humans are a pack animal in general, that means there has to be leaders and followers, otherwise there would be a lot less of us! fighting would see to that. Sadly leaders will always&nbsp;exploit&nbsp;the followers. and the leaders will continue to fight for more...
  7. Where~the~wind~blows

    This could change the world<br /><br /><p style="vertical-align: baseline; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; border: none; padding: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 0.85em; line-height: 21px; color: #565656; background-color: #ededed;">E3's...
  8. Where~the~wind~blows

    This could change the world

    <br /><br />I am unsure which part is WILD speculation or assertion, my comment comes from research into the article....<br /><br />The US patient office has the Ohio University as patient holder for such technology, so it does seem to be a&nbsp;valid&nbsp;research&nbsp;behind the claim.<br...
  9. Where~the~wind~blows

    This could change the world

    it seems it is true, and it is an evolving technology that will be fought to keep the prices of fossil fuels up there!..... by the time this gets watered down into a doable&nbsp;processes for the public to reap the&nbsp;benefits&nbsp; i fear we will be long gone!
  10. Where~the~wind~blows

    On the road or not?

    Angeli, Owl and Jack do not make me get the&nbsp;pontificating&nbsp;behave stick!
  11. Where~the~wind~blows

    Vans, RVs, Busses and collisions with large herbivores at night

    Mine have worked for the year so far, only 1 came loose and I staple gunned it.... hope it helps you out too...
  12. Where~the~wind~blows

    Gold prospecting

    There used to be a show I think called treasure hunters? it talked about TONS of things one can search for and turn a buck at! it sounded great because you could travel with the seasons!
  13. Where~the~wind~blows

    Vans, RVs, Busses and collisions with large herbivores at night

    in &nbsp;the craft section, they are sticky backed, they are less than an inch long and slightly 1/2 wide oblong in shape, but there are circular ones, at other shops like michael's, or joanns fabrics (crafty stores), or they have velcro tape too that you cut to size.<br /><br />google velcro...
  14. Where~the~wind~blows

    Vans, RVs, Busses and collisions with large herbivores at night

    I have only had two close encounters with deer, one I am sure died later as I know I hit it's leg, the other was just super lucky and only wind passed between us, but I have had issues with my stuff flying all over da place after a sudden stop or a hard turn. so for this I offer, all my cabinets...
  15. Where~the~wind~blows

    On the road or not?

    Now Now, lets not all get our feathers ruffled.... I think the truth is some are 24/7 nomads, this does not mean they travel everyday, but travel to areas as the seasons predicts. Others are grounded due to jobs/work, if your lucky like myself I don't have to find safe parking every night, some...
  16. Where~the~wind~blows

    Are you embarrased to tell ladies you live in a van or camper?

    Howard, I think I would work on how you break the ice in telling somebody about where you live...for me I say "anywhere I want" .. I could see me laughing after I say it, and I would say it with pride!...then seeing the puzzled look on their faces I would explain further. I know that if you...
  17. Where~the~wind~blows

    My heart is breaking

    in the blog for Bernice Ende , lady long rider she talks about finding her dog Claire, in a ditch with her litter mate all ready dead and frozen , she scooped up the pup and nursed her back to health, Claire is now and old dog, but last year she found another pup with a plastic bag stuck on it;s...
  18. Where~the~wind~blows

    What brings you to this lifestyle?

    I'm with Vonbrown on this one I enjoy my feast and famine living... this life is not for everybody, some live full time some do it part time, whatever the reason it's in &nbsp;our blood to travel, to have less, (which to me, means having more).... yup it has it's struggles that no matter what...
  19. Where~the~wind~blows

    Totally Confused

    Joey, all you can do is follow your heart....ask yourself why are they wanting you to stay? are they concerned for your safety? do they&nbsp;benefit&nbsp;from having you stay? what's the motive behind the action? The threat was pretty intense...and I can understand a lot of their concern... my...