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    RTR no, no's

    Doubleone   That thing is adorable!
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    Question propane stove

    Cool. Thanks for the info everyone.
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    RTR no, no's

    So I'm a noob - where do I find the fire pit rules for where we will be? What are those generally. I'm a city stealther - I've made fire once in my life. If you aren't using rocks then what are you using for a fire ring?
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    Question propane stove

    So those tiny green cans of propane that walmart sells - how long do those last? I mean obviously it varies on what you are doing but if you had to estimate how many meals you could cook with each one using a one burner stove - what would your estimate be?
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    Anyone from Nola hitting the RTR

    I'm still tied to one of those location based jobs for the moment. Bummed about not being able to caravan around after the rtr as I must return to New Orleans after for work. Wondered if anyone else who lives/frequents New Orleans is planning to show to the rtr. I need friends.
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    First time at RTR this year?

    That sounds awesome!
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    First time at RTR this year?

    Hey. It'll be my first RTR event as well. I'm headed to New Orleans after because I have a job lined up there for a few months. Hopefully some other Nola enthusiast will be at this event as well.