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  1. S

    Western NY Newbie

    For anyone that may have been following this, Ive been trying to raise money to get the van done but Rochester NY is apparently not the place to try to be a tattoo artist and I havent been able to travel in 6-7 months to the clients I do have in other states, so its been slow going. I started...
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    Mounting solar on fiberglass high top

    I have a friend who used Scotch extreme exterior mounting tape to mount his panels to the top of his fiberglass shell on his rv. This is the second vehicle he used it and has never had a problem with it coming undone. Just a thought.
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    Wish i was closer, nice of you to put it out there :)
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    Western NY Newbie

    So Ive almost got the coach fully gutted, no pictures sadly, my 6 yr old "smart" phone broke so I have no phone and no camera atm, all I have left is to figuire out how to actually get the fridge out of the cabinet that holds it, I think they built the RV around it, and the toliet, which is the...
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    Western NY Newbie

    Ill be doing as much of the mechanical work as I can, my backyard mechanic skills are fair and google helps alot. I havent actual been able to even get it diagnosed as to exactly whats wrong with it, the smart fellow who owned it before me wired all the coach electrical to the main battery and...
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    Western NY Newbie

    Thanks for the advise, Im not sure exactly what your talking about with the rubber donut however Im sure I can figuire it out. The bath does have a sink and shower drain in it, was assuming thats where the smell was coming up from, I havent even looked into whats going to be involved in...
  7. S

    Western NY Newbie

    So on happy notes the kitty turned up happy and healthy, I got my hands on a pneumatic cutting wheel which did the job on cutting the lip off the old water heater so that I could put the panel back on the rv and not have a 1'x1' hole in the side of it. Tomorrow is stove fridge and furnace...
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    Western NY Newbie

    Thats sort of what Ive been doing, underneath she's surprisingly clean, the only major rust is to the propane tank and Im doing away with that system anyhow.
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    Western NY Newbie

    Thanks for the encourgement everyone, its been a rough last couple weeks for so many reasons I think I just let it all overwhelm me today. Von Brown if you ever have time to help I definitely wouldnt pass up a helping hand though Im not sure if I have the finances at the moment for any of the...
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    Western NY Newbie

    So for anyone interested in an update, no I have no pics yet. Long and short of it, the gutting of the coach has been a PITA every step of the way and Im only about half done, the bathroom reeks like human poop and Im wondering how disgusting it will be to just rip the black tank and bathroom...
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    Heard any good music lately ;?D

    Rock Plaza Central-Are We Not Horses 2006-one of the best albums Ive heard end to end in a long time.
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    Am I the only one that misses standing up?

    Im rehabbing a 77 dodge chinook class b, the whole reason I love it and am willing to put the work into it is the fact that at 6'3 I can stand full height anywhere in the back.
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    Temporary Car-Dwelling in a Pontiac Sunfire oh my

    In the mid 90's myself and my ferret were put into a spot of living in my 87 chevy cavalier hatchback for roughly 3 months. I was in a fairly rural part of SC at the time, finding out of the way spots to park and sleep was never too much of an issue and my boss at the time knew my situation and...
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    Western NY Newbie

    There will be pictures, I really like documenting my projects, though my joy of today has been burdened with the sadness of the loss of my "real" mother ( I have a "real" mother and a new mom, long story). so the project may have to fall on the back burners. In a wierd way I feel its all kind...
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    Western NY Newbie

    For anyone interested/following I got the beast home today, the hour drive was a bit worrisome. Defintiely needs some mechanical work with the steering and I think a wheel bearing on the front passenger side. Theres a small exaust leak that can definitely be smelled in the cabin, but other...
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    Western NY Newbie

    Thanks for the welcome storm, Im currently in webster though my location around the rochester area seems to bounce about the last couple years. Been rather nomadic my whole life, once I get the rehab on the chinook finished I guess Ill just be making it official, and will definitely be more...
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    Western NY Newbie

    Thanks MobyT, like I said Im kicking myself a little because of its age, we were looking at just finding a cargo van and using it for a home and I would figuire out other arrangements for an out of the shop studio. But this popped up on cl for 2000, paid 1750 which was pretty much every penny I...
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    Western NY Newbie

    So this is me introducing myself. My name is Shogun, I have a "real" name but I'm known as Shogun mostly irl and I tend to prefer it. I am a professional tattoo artist, about to turn 40, and me and the little woman just took our first step towards towards full time van/rv life today with the...