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  1. L

    I am very new

    Maybe it's just my grandparents' influence, but I can't imagine a world in which I asked for ANYTHING that would cost them that kind of money and getting anything but laughter or a lecture on "stretching a dollar" in response. Not to mention, if you said "I'm bored" in my house, you got put to...
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    Can you breathe up all the oxygen in your rig?

    "In regards freezing to death in a car when trapped in a snowstorm, I recall reading that lighting a candle can keep the inside of the car from getting too cold, but crack a window. I wonder if this would work in the back of a van, in lieu of using a real heater. ???" I know this thread is a...
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    Grants Pass; Sugar in Gas Tank - Anyone close??

    What a horrible thing to do to someone, especially if you know someone's living in there!! Siphoning gas is one thing - still awful, but that's more about desperation. The sugar thing is just cruelty. There's no REASON for it. I'm so thankful they were able to get initial help, and I hope...
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    1st night in my SUV

    It sounds like you're really getting the hang of things and settling in! Congratulations! There are a few videos on YouTube about planning out where to go next. Probably more than a few, but I've only seen a few lol. Good luck! I'm totally jealous and totally happy for you! :) Blessings, Brandy
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    Future van/truck dweller

    Hi there! We're in Ohio as well - Columbus, though. We're also just in the planning stages with our build but we're committed and so excited to get out there. Our plan is to use as much used/reclaimed/re-purposed material as possible, both to save money and be easier on the planet, but ALSO to...
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    I am very new

    My grandparents kept a quarter acre - half was the house and garden, the other half just empty. Growing up, in the winter Grandad pulled an inner tube with his John Deere for us, and in the summer we played croquet.  Hahaha I hadn't thought of that in years! My dad always won, anyway!
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    Looking for ideas ... my poor bus!

    "I can see why my post may seem to be asking why my bus isn't selling, and I do appreciate the responses. Actually though, I really am looking for advice on how to take care of the bus this winter so she doesn't suffer from my inability to properly maintain a school bus." VyckieG - I don't...
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    Would you advise a Boondocker in your neighborhood?

    Hi Debbie!!  (My mom's name is Debbie, so here's an extra smile  :shy: ) In my (admittedly limited) experience, being helpful and kind is ALWAYS preferable to just "butting out."  As a society we've gotten so fearful and suspicious! In my city when someone approaches you in a parking lot...
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    Planning to Hit the Road in 2020...But Nervous

    Hiya Murf!!! I don't have any practical advice (I'm brand new myself - still planning, in fact), but I *did* want to tell you that ANY time you make a change in your life - especially a major change like this - being nervous is not only normal, but NECESSARY! It helps you to slow down a bit...
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    I am very new

    I am too new to all of this to give you any advice on the physical nomading side of this, but I've worked with the "aging" all of my adult life, and I can tell you unequivocally that AGE IS ONLY A NUMBER. I've worked with people in their 30s and 40s who are unable to function in society, and...
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    Less than 2 Weeks and Nervous

      Fair warning, Alana -- those videos are ADDICTIVE!!!!  LOL I'm so glad you got the answer you needed to feel more comfortable.   Peace of mind, even on the small things, is so important to most aspects of our lives. Don't forget to have FUN!   :cool: :cool: :cool:
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    Hi Nomads!!

       I'm really pulling for a short or shuttle bus, Dan has a different opinion every day at this point.  LOL  I'm starting to think it depends on how tired he is after work as he thinks about the amount of work we'll have to do to whatever we choose. My poor husband. He works so hard. We'll...
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    Hi Nomads!!

    Hi all! I've actually been wandering the forums for a couple days... I should've probably posted here first now that I think of it.  I hope I didn't break the rules! My husband and I are in the early planning/saving phase. We've been talking and watching videos and reading websites for months...
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    Less than 2 Weeks and Nervous

    Hi there, Alana!! I'm new here, too, but I've been reading and watching videos for ages. I'm pretty positive you can sleep in your car. I've seen tons of CheapRVLiving videos of people living or camping in their cars. Good luck and stay safe. I hope you have a ball!
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    my future as a nomad

    Hi Jeff! My Hubz and I are in the planning stages, as well. It all feels so overwhelming at the beginning, doesn't it? We're so impatient to get out of here and on the road that every obstacle not only feels like a mountain but like it adds 6 months right now. Seeing you say you wanna work all...
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    Medical Billing/Coding

    Does anyone on this forum do billing/coding on the road? We're in the planning stages so I'm trying to find a way to make money on the road as most of us need, and have heard that this is something many people do from home, so why not on the road?! Thanks!
  17. L

    Any Sugar Beet Harvest workers here?

    It's only been 13 days since your last post, so maybe you're still working or recovering. Would love to read an update when you get the time/energy! :) Everything I've read on the beet harvest says most of us would need recovery time lol.