the windows could always be coved with Plastidip, it is an excellent product. you need to put about 4 coats on.. the best thing is it is not permanent, But extremely durable and easy to repair if needed
Plasti dip can be bought on the website or in bigbox stores.
Heck you can even pain your...
yeah I have been looking at them for a while now trying to decide the direction I am going to go, while I build..
the eco flow gets pretty good reviews and I know a couple people here have them.. right now, the one I am looking at I can get for $300..Normally $350 which is a pretty good deal...
yeah I hear you, I would not get the AGM until I had Solar power, then I will also have a Dc-Dc charger.. I am just thinking about the Eco flow to get me going until I get everything else..
Ok so, as my build has progressed, I am getting to the point that I need to start seriously considering my power options.. I have ran Battery cables (not hooked up) from my battery to a compartment.. and eventually I will get a battery.. and the things I need for that..
However, I am also...
I can see hot glue working for several different applications, they do sell different types and strengths also.. I would bet it would probably work quite well in the XPS
Ok so I am wondering... And this id for full timers only
1. What is your home State?
2. In your opinion what are the advantages?
3. what are the disadvantages?
Go go go
liquid nails is a good product, for the XPS though, and with what I am doing, I found it to be very liquidy, The gorilla si a bit thicker.. That said the difference of the two products probably would not matter to attach xps to a floor..
then I would say the gorilla glue heavy constructive adhesive is the way to go.. as far as the cabinets go, I have video on my build.. And you are welcome to send me a PM
If you are putting down 1 1/2 xps, you certainly would not need 3/4 ply on top of that.. If you thinking anchoring things to it, there are ways to cut down on the amount of plywood you are using.. Lumber has gotten extremely expensive..
I am currently building cabinets out of XPS, I have been...
Hey Kristal, Wish I was closer to you, I would be glad to help, I with you though, my knowledge of the electrical is not very wide either, the basics I can get done, know what goes with what and why thats another story..
I am thinking that one of the main things that will be in my Kitchen is
a propane grill (weber table top grill about $200)
there is a lot you can cook right on that
I will have probably 2 good knives
basic utensils
Possibly a skillet and a sauce pan
But I plan to do most cooking on...