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  1. A

    You're solo and you die or something major

    Screen shot with addresses removed. Theres other options I dont pay for... that can be seen here.. I use the free option. I can invite any of my contacts to view my whereabouts. Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
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    You're solo and you die or something major

    I have an app called Life360. I invited my mother and two sisters to follow me. It works with a map system with little red lines where Ive been or am. Its free and pretty much is just a tracking system, keeps my routes up to 30 days, and has a paid option foru parents to monitor things like...
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    Fascinated, From South Carolina :)

    Welcome!! Iagree with pnolans. Embracing solitude can be a really good thing. I've always been the odd one and always a loner. Maybe this is why our types find Vandwelling so much more appealing. (I'm in a renovated van, not an RV). Im not good socially and pretty much always feel awkward or...
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    Starting in my car

    It was the thermo-cooler... it took WAY too much of my power. I ditched it and have had no problems since then. Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
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    What would you get for $5000?

    For $5,000 that's a little more than what I started with. I got so annoyed with Craigslist and other outlets trying to find a van... I even had a psycho who wouldn't stop texting me and even called a few times after I contacted him for a van..... Prices ranging as low as $800 upwards to the...
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    Roof Coating Report

    lol yes.. the thing that gets me is I've noticed that even when it gets a few degrees cooler at night... it's as though the bed, pillows, clothes.. whatever it may be.. actually feel like they hold on to the heat and it lingers for a while...
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    What did you, yourself, Repair recently?

    Thanks!! I should probably also add.. that I didn't have a power saw when I did those ceiling vents or solar panels either.. so I had to play connect the dots through my roof with a battery operated drill then this sorta wire-stripper tool that was able to cut (more like rip) the roof out... and...
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    What is outside your door?? *pictures*

    Trees.. and garbage [emoji14] headed to work... Maybe will post something better later.. :) but this is where aI am right now when I saw the post.. lol Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
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    Developing Courage to do my own Fuel Filter

    Ohhh.. take pics first.. this is a great suggestion..
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    Developing Courage to do my own Fuel Filter

    ok will check out AC Delco -- I did see them on my list when I viewing what's available *edit** I do still have my manual also, will check that too
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    Developing Courage to do my own Fuel Filter

    It looks like it's just a good pinch that gets it off the line... the difficult part seems to be the second bolt that holds the bracket onto the frame that holds the filter in place... If I remember correctly, the man said that you have to feel for that and won't be able to actually see it while...
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    Developing Courage to do my own Fuel Filter

    I haven't googled yet to see how a distributor cap is done... but will keep this in mind.. I was wondering this when it came to the spark plugs... some are as little as $3 each.. some as much as $10 or so... I was going to hit the middle ground with the $5 - 7 ones... I started checking reviews...
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    What did you, yourself, Repair recently?

    Installed solar panels, two battery bank system, relay type isolater.. Screened ceiling vent that hand cranks opened and closed Air filter Windshield wipers hmmm..... oh painted the roof... soon will be putting on some kind of shunts and monitors/meters/gauges for the system... I...
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    Developing Courage to do my own Fuel Filter

    Sorry, I didn't post the year.. It's actually a 1998.. but its' a very well kept 1998.. barely used with only 60k miles... I've put about 15k miles on it now. Yeah, I was thinking just cardboard would be fine... to help slide in and out under there... If it's actually by that passenger...
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    Developing Courage to do my own Fuel Filter

    Thanks but I've been living in the van for 7 months now and I have road side assistance... Simply because I don't want to jack up the van to do a fuel filter doesn't mean I have to ditch it...
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    Developing Courage to do my own Fuel Filter

    So, I went to ask how much a TuneUp would be for my van. Chevy Express 1500 and was told $610.   I noticed how ridiculously easy it would be to change the air filter myself....and did that.. now I'm wondering how safe and easy - realistically - it would be for me to do the fuel filter myself. ...
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    Roof Coating Report

    I painted my roof white with some Kool Seal recently... I did three coats and in the front a bit of it peeled off and some bubbled up with pockets of water after the rain. But I got the gallon jug of it, and have enough to do more coats to get it whole again. I don't have a thermometer in the...
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    What was your first time out like?

    it's impossible, dude... impossible, I tell ya ;) Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
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    What was your first time out like?

    Hated it!! I started out of necessity because I didnt want to live in a neighborhood that I could afford after my divorce [emoji14] I was making less money and finding a "good neighborhood" in the town I could afford was like trying to pick up a turd by the clean end... I had read about...
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    Please Critique My System

    I just went shopping to fill it. I got 8lbs of ice, I certainly could have.. or feel like I shoud have.. gotten more. But Ill work with this for now. So far fits my dozen harboiled eggs, cheeses, yogurts, and... I didnt put my drink in there, but a good amount of room. I started with a 48quart...