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  1. GotSmart

    I've been a member for some time.....but.........

    I thought that was a sponsored advertisers.
  2. GotSmart

    NorCal beaches, anyone?

    Since I am a N~CA native, ( not frisco or kali) I know where to go. But enjoy yourself and head to dry lands. Not everyone is comfortable in a place where a bright yellow ten inch slug is quite likely going to cross your dinner table or plop out of a tree unexpectedly.
  3. GotSmart

    NorCal beaches, anyone?

    There is no such thing as stealth camping. Just remember that all those places are small communities and a stranger stands out. Think of it as a modern day Mayberry.
  4. GotSmart

    How do you people do it? Having a pet cat

    I started out with my 12 year old cat in a van and we found out what worked for both of us. A ice chest on a non slip rubber mat with a towel over it provides a cool cave for fur people. I kept a roof vent running with slightly open windows. No excessive heat even in Quartzsite. Of course I...
  5. GotSmart

    Feasibility of filtering gray water for drinking again, using a gravity-fed filter system?

    It seems to me to be spending a lot of money on dead weight to lug around. Sand, charcoal, dedicated containers and pipes as well as pumps and distillery. A system like that is really feasible in large scale. I used to run a water bottling plant and the huge amount of filtration equipment is...
  6. GotSmart

    New Solar Panels

    Unless you are doing a solar farm, there is not a lot of difference. Look at SanTan Solar for pricing.
  7. GotSmart

    More BLM land in Wyoming & Colorado

    Now this is an approved way of spending my tax dollars.
  8. GotSmart

    steering wheel lock - worth it at all?

    Due to several strokes over the years, I am unable to complete the sequence of actions needed. Just Google trunk monkey and enjoy a half hour of somebody else’s reality.
  9. GotSmart

    Daily quote

    Welcome to humanity. You find the reality that you want and play other peoples games to fulfill it. Or there’s an alternative. Make your own game and be individual enough to live it. I read the rules and had fun on my own terms. I changed the boundaries. Welcome to the YARC CLUB. We...
  10. GotSmart

    steering wheel lock - worth it at all?

    Just get a trunk monkey.
  11. GotSmart

    Are We Crazy?

    Take the cannoli, leave the gun.
  12. GotSmart

    Are We Crazy?

    As a founding member of the You AINT Right Club ~~~. Youse pikers keep on keeping on. Some day you might earn a stinkin badge.
  13. GotSmart

    Is it okay to even have a pet as you age?

    Around 1995 I was gifted a kitten. Sweetie gave me Boofy, and Boofy gave me Tigger. Three generations owned me. When Tigger was 18, I found a tiny kitten eating with the raccoons. A week later Guida was a house cat. A couple of weeks later along came Tony. Everything was fine until I needed...
  14. GotSmart


    The basic information provided is still extremely helpful. I wish the title would be repaired by a moderator.
  15. GotSmart

    Starlink adds roaming ---- for a fee.

    So we are looking at about $750 or so to get the bill for $135 a month for a powerful signal? $2300 or so the first year. I need something better than what I have but that is hard to justify to myself. I might be showing my cheaper side
  16. GotSmart

    for sale

    No details or price? Give us more!
  17. GotSmart

    AirTag for tracking stolen rig?

    In theory. You will need help as well as having the proper iPhone to get it set up. After two months we are still trying to figure our tags out. Major limitations on access. Only one tracker per tag.
  18. GotSmart

    I just put a down payment down

    I was waiting in line at a dealership to get my Jeep serviced. They had a switchboard behind the counter for their various brands. It was a running joke when anyone called in trying to get a Mercedes’ serviced. The delay in getting parts and service updates make non M shops turn customers away.