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  1. S

    My batteries

    Ahh ok so when put in series you have 24v not 12v.. that does answer my question
  2. S

    My batteries

    Hello all,  I have not been here in a while..  I just purchased two batteries from walmart the group 27 deep cycle batteries. I will order my solar in the next day or so. I want to put my batteries on charge.   So how do I connect them together? I am assuming positive to positive..  But is...
  3. S

    Captain Ed first log entry

    It is been about 3 months since I seriously started my build. there have been some set backs But, I continue to push forward. Because I know the benefits of my efforts will pay off in the long run. the accident, I was involved in, after my first test run was a big set back.. But things are now...
  4. S

    NEW wiring sketch

    Ok awesome.. So would a 20A DC-DC charger work? I Don't care if this turns into a big discussion.. we all have different opinions.. And I need  a damn good opinion.. I want to do it right.. but what I can't do.. is continue to spend money where I do not need to.. Do I need the DC-DC charger or...
  5. S

    NEW wiring sketch

    Ok Great what size????
  6. S

    NEW wiring sketch

    Well I have the Isolator.  Never heard of what your talking about..
  7. S

    NEW wiring sketch

    Omg I was thinking the Isolator needed to go to ground.. But I suppose ground would only be for the ignition connection..
  8. S

    Can I REALLY go full-time in an Astro/Safari?

    I am 5'11, Not a small guy, and ifg I can every get my van up to par.. I will be doing it full time.. and I will be mostly happy with the space I have.. would I like a little more space sure.. But right now, I want to get out there, work, save money, and maybe in a year or two go a little bigger.
  9. S

    NEW wiring sketch

    ok, so if I am understanding correctly it should look like this Starter Bat Positive-----Fuse---Bus bar---Isolator Negative-- Grounded Bus bar with 4g cable House Bat Positive----fuse---bus bar with 4 g cable House Neg-----Neg bus bar Charge controller Positive ----Bus bar---Fuse---Controller...
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    Opinions Pls

    home maybe you can make since of this? Correct or no?
  11. S

    Opinions Pls

    I don't suppose you can help me with a wiring scheme, so that I do not make a mistake?
  12. S

    Opinions Pls

    Di I need a separate terminal in the buss bar for each component? I am guessing so since you mentioned it's a bad idea to stack terminals
  13. S

    Opinions Pls

    ahhh ok, This means I have some wire work ahead of me..
  14. S

    NEW wiring sketch

    if you look just above the Isolator, that is a fuse box for a 100amp fuse.. NOT PERMENANTLY IN PLACE ( I can put that one closer to the Starter Battery if need be) I have 1 more 100amp fuse and I know I need a 3rd.. I have no idea why I only ordered 2.  I created another post about this.. I...
  15. S

    Opinions Pls

    OK let me try explaining a different way. Everything, on this board the Isolator, the charge controller, and maybe a fuse box..  All of these need to be connected to the house battery...  So, in image #1 each component would need to be to be connected to the battery. In image #2  I could...
  16. S

    Opinions Pls

    Hello guys, as you can see in the photo, I have all of the components minus the battery and solar panel the space I have to mount things is not that large.  Aprox 14"L and 9"H So, I am wondering of maybe  I could also mount a positive and negative Buss bar.  If I can do the above Then I...
  17. S

    NEW wiring sketch

    Hello guys, as you can see in the photo, I have all of the components minus the battery and solar panel the space I have to mount things is not that large.  Aprox 14"L and 9"H So, I am wondering of maybe  I could also mount a positive and negative Buss bar.  If I can do the above Then I...
  18. S

    Well, that's not normal

    This is actually one of my biggest fears, having a major breakdown and then be up schits creak with out a paddle. I receive a settlement each year. and I am going to use this for my emergency fund.. Most of it anyway.. If I need to replace my engine I want to have the funds to do it.. the...
  19. S

    How to mount solar panel to top of Thule rooftop cargo box?

    I would agree also with the previous two people aerodynamic play a big part.. but it can still be solved with a wind deflection on the front part