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    Eco flow river

    @jacqueg It is doubtful you missed anything.. the fact is I do not have the specific usage.. a few people have tried to explain how to figure it out.. and honestly this is one area that I have very little knowledge of.. I know what I have at the moment.. I know what I will begetting in the...
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    Eco flow river

    wow 400wh for the C20?? Perday? at first I was considering using the c20 as a fridge, But then I had the idea about maybe getting a smaller one, and use it sole as a freezer, mainly to freeze block ice for a small cooler.. since block ice keeps much longer that cubed.. But I am not sure I want...
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    Eco flow river

    where do you see this information??? from what it says on their website, it is rated for 288wh..
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    Charging system beef up

    Cool, I considered getting a beefier Alternator for my 06GC also.. maybe down the road, I have other work I need to do.
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    broke my foot 2 months into van life.

    Life certainly has it's way of throwing us curve balls!!! I can certainly relate to your situation... I broke my Ankle in 2010, Mine was probably much worse, Still not at 100% and never will be.. I am sure you will have a full recovery.. And I hope you find good solutions for your van.. My...
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    Biodegradable Soaps, Shampoos

    If you ask me, one of the main products I plan on having is Dawn, Not only is it excellent for washing dishs, but it is safe for the environment. it is also an excellent grease cutter, I prefer it over any product when doing automotive work.. Another product I just found recently, is a product...
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    Eco flow river

    I am certainly not going to pay $1000 for a house battery, I know it has been told to me many times and AGM must be fully charged.. Lifepo batteries are fairly new.. so what did people do before lifepo??? the answer is they had deep cycle batteries so don't tell me not to get an AGM I have a...
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    NOCO Genius 10x1 Charger?

    I thought you had a DC -DC charger?? Or am I thinking of someone else
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    first time car dolly

    I don't think you need to do that. seriously look at my previous post. I am not feeding you a bunch a BS..  when you get everything. go to a large parking like and practice and et a feel for making a turn as if you were at a light.. a walmart parking lot would be great.. just go where there are...
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    first time car dolly

    and yes that is also a good point to make..
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    first time car dolly

    Ok I was a tractor trailer instructor for several years when I was in the career.. 1. the average person will rarely have the ability to back up a tow dolly 2. a tow dolly is not meant for you to back up in the first place. Very short distance just to make a corner you cut to short sure 2 may...
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    Wood to Foamie

    you are correct, and I do wish I listened to you a little before committing myself to my cabinets.. Are my cabinets fully encased? No they are not That said, with the results I am getting with my second cabinet, I am much happier.. I did not use the PPG gripper paint.. I only used tight bond...
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    Wood to Foamie

    I am using 1/2 inch.. just be sure is is the XPS green or pink.. I am sure there are other colors.. but I tried some that was coated on both sides and that did not work well.. so I put that in the roof :)
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    Wood to Foamie

    @Uncle Todo Before you commit to anything, I suggest you buy a sheet I think you can get partial sheets, and test the application process yourself.. yes in many was it is easy to work with.. But there is certainly things you should learn before committing to it like I did. when I am done with...
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    dual fuel tank system ford E series

    does that van have the straight 6 in it? if so, that is a darn good engine
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    dual fuel tank system ford E series

    I had a 92 f150 probably the same chasis, the switch was on the lower left side of the steering column.. May or may not be the same in your van
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    Finally Got a van

    My local Mechanic is replacing the floor panels in an older model truck.. I would bet my next pay check you could do the same.. He is also using some special glue, that will bond them together similar to the of bonding to pieces of wood together with tight bond.. If you would like.. I can...
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    Wood to Foamie

    I am also considering doing a center console between the front seats. I took out the factory one. and I am thinking I could make a cooler in between the front seats..   I looked in to fiberglass, but it is expensive, and honestly there would not be a need..  BTW this is not an original idea.. ...
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    Wood to Foamie

    Hello all, Sorry I have not posted any updates here for a little while. I have been in the process of covering and making my first cabinet more durable.. and although there are a few small details I need to finish on it, I am calling it done for now. eventually I will make it more pleasing to...
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    If it is truly diamond plate Aluminum, that stuff is heavier than it looks, and with the square footage on the inside, I imagine they have a good amount of weight.. safety certain was not first in thought thats for sure..