Recent content by Perez1292

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  1. Perez1292

    If I had a million dollars...

    I would travel non-stop until I have no money left! Or maybe I'd spare some but not so sure about that. Anyway I won't think big and try to help others(yes I'm selfish, sorry!) I would just enjoy the time and money myself on the road!
  2. Perez1292

    Jennelle Eliana, viral youtube blogger

    I've never heard about her or youtube videos she makes! Do you recommend it though, is it interesting to watch? I might as well look into it if it's nicely done.
  3. Perez1292


    Hey!!! I'm new as well, starting to learn about Van living and all things related. Super interesting! I hope it doesn't bother that I hijack your thread to greet everyone!