
Van Living Forum

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Who am I? Late 40's female, mother of three. Passions include knitting & crochet, cooking, reading, hiking, baking, COFFEE, so much music (Dave Matthews, Phish, Stevie Wonder, 21 Pilots, Mike Doughty), hypothesizing & theorizing better/easier ways to do things, medicine, psychology, cats, dogs . . . I got obsessed with watching La Liga when I had a FUBU trial (Messi > Ronaldo) . . . I can make a mean XP farm in Minecraft . . . Favorite YouTube channels are CRVL, CreativityRV, IBXToycat, Gone With The Wynns . . . Current favorite states are probably Wyoming & Washington. First place I want to go the next time I get on the road is Montana, I've never been.
April 12
Southold, NY


All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R.Tolkien