Recent content by Lotsofpaws

Van Living Forum

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  1. L

    Harvest Host

    Anyone see Creativity Rv video on Harvest Host camping?  I'm not on the road yet, but it sound's interesting.
  2. L

    Are my clothes getting mildew??

    Adding baking soda in the wash could help with the odor. Is it possible to hang your wash outside to dry?
  3. L

    Travel to help?

    Does anyone travel to areas which have had a natural disaster to help the local people?  I am not on the road yet and do not have many skills, but this is something I would like to do.
  4. L

    Women only: My Beginning Journey

    I don't think you can pull much with a mini van. This website is very helpful and so are the youtube videos. I'm in your position also, getting out of debt before I do this. My kids are all grown and on their own. I think this would be a great opportunity for your son. Good luck with your...