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  1. Lifemagician

    City Vandwelling Guide Needed

    Don't blame the system. Like everything else, it takes research to be safe with Couchsurfing. The website itself has lots of information which most folk never read. All they see is someone offering a bed for free, and jump at it. Having done quite a bit myself, and had about as many surf...
  2. Lifemagician

    Public shower precautions

    Bob, you're very lucky. Make sure your luck does not run out. I have to agree, the truck stops mentioned are always clean and hygenic. None-the-less, I agree with GrayWhale, I never touch the floor with my bare feet........ anywhere! Old wornout towels made a good mat to stand on while...
  3. Lifemagician

    Jumped into the "stealth" van life and am mostly disalusioned

    Daily showers have never been part of my routine. It was not the done thing where I was brought up. Now I find that for those in-between shower days, there are baby wipes. Some are even flushable. I could not travel/live in my van without them. Before going to bed. On waking. On hot...
  4. Lifemagician

    the kelly kettle

    Good to see, thanks for posting. We bought one of those in the early 80's. It was called an 'enviro billy' and we got it from Australia Geographics store. We never did get the top bit though. I recall well, after walking to the top of Kosciusko (the hightest point on the Australian...
  5. Lifemagician

    Govt tells woman off grid, you're living unsafely

    Not sure if that is necessarily the answer. If it is anything like where I live - my usage is minimal, normally less than 10% of my account. The rest is related to connection charges.
  6. Lifemagician

    Road Trip- Need advice from Southwest peeps

    You do realise that that is illegal in every State, as well as very dangerous. By law, and for very good reason, all passengers in a vehicle need to be restrained in an improved seat belt while the vehicle is in motion. Plan this trip as a roadtrip, dividing it up into 500 - 600 mile days, and...
  7. Lifemagician

    Dumb Laws in your State...

    It is only a decade or two, ago, that the law regarding the requirement of horse drinking troughs on city street, was removed from the statutes. Ironic thing is, that since then, horse drawn carriages to take tourist around have become very popular. Not a horse drinking trough to be seen. :)...
  8. Lifemagician

    City ordinances--what's their motive?

    Phew! Did all that come out of a few lines I posted? Just to clarify, Neighbourhood Watch - which I see they have in the US as well (albeit without the 'u') - has taught residents to be aware of their surroundings and take an interest in their neighbours. That alone has resulted in less...
  9. Lifemagician

    What are some of your comfort items or your must have items when traveling?

    Maps, maps and MAPS!!!!!!! A compressor fridge. I need to keep my milk fresh. I drink much more milk than I do water. Can go without food, but not without my milk. Everything else I carry follows on from those. Lifey
  10. Lifemagician

    City ordinances--what's their motive?

    Something I have done many a time. We lived in an upscale - though not wealthy - neighbourhood. Through the Neighbourhood Watch program, we were encouraged to report an unfamiliar vehicle which seemed to be parked for an extended period. Especially those with tinted windows. Police would...
  11. Lifemagician

    When the sun knows stillness

    Will it then also stop going higher in the sky (with its associated heat)? We could do with a bit of cooling off. Lifey
  12. Lifemagician

    Road Traveled

    I am the sum of my experiences. As others have said, without them, the mistakes I have made, the fortunate opportunities I have had, I would not today be who I am. I am happy with me and slowly the children are accepting my lifestyle. As owl says, there are downsides, but the upsides...
  13. Lifemagician

    1991 E-150 stealth conversion

    It would be nice to see what everyone is raving about. Unfortunately, the links posted go to error 404. Is it possible to post the images on this thread? Lifey
  14. Lifemagician

    Ways to Make MONEY ONLINE

    In that case I am yet to find them. And how can blogging make money? There are also many ways to lose your money online. I wish I had the thousands I have paid to so called 'make money on the internet' plans. None of which were scams, but all of which turns out I was not to be able to do...
  15. Lifemagician

    As seen around Q

    Before my first visit to North America, it was all I knew of for holidays. I had never seen a motorhome. Caravans like that pictured are still more popular on the roads downunder, though they are much more modern looking now. (Of course campervans are much more popular here than in the US.)...