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Hello there! My name is Sara and I can 100% admit that I’m a little nervous about this posting. However, the excitement that runs through me now thinking about the opportunities for enlightenment and adventure that await us I believe are helping to balance the unsettled nerves.

Our story...in short form...for now. Teehee!
I introduced myself, Sara. I will be the one with the silly grammatical errors and storybook like forum telling. Once upon a time.. hahah just kidding, this time. Anyways, My wife, Katharine, she will be the one to say “you can call me Kate...or Katie. Either is cool” she will also be the one who will have the snappy and witty, comic like humor, and very hilarious sarcasm. She’s my mmmbaby! (Yes mmmbaby, I just told complete strangers your nick name) Oh, I guess together as a collective we will no longer hold back from truths. ️ We will give it all, straight from our hearts.
SO... the run down.
We’ve been together for just over 3 years.
Married for 6 months.
We have two cats (Bean and Toby...in age order)
Currently, we are renting an apartment (been for about 2 years) with no yard, city life.

Looking forward...
Enough is enough. We recognized we were not happy. Both of us dislike our careers. Our living arrangements and now we are taking action to seek a healthier way of living, through ourselves. Healing ourselves and in turn, help heal our planet and all the living beings she encounters, has become priority.
Our apartment lease is up come mid January 2018. The end of this month we will be exploring the options we have for purchasing an travel trailer and/or van to live in.
By this I mean we took vacation and will be going to meet potential sellers and dealerships. We have some money saved but will require a loan most likely. The plan is, work for a little while longer, acquire our “new rvome” and finish our website so we can earn extra cash and make that booty while setting out to accomplish our goals.

Travel and explore our souls fullest potential. Connect with the mother, give back to the universe. Seeking to meet and help whenever possible, like minded hearts along the way. This is not something we envision doing permanently. Our ultimate intention is to discover a safe, health piece of land that we can get to know. Settle in and start a barter farm/community. The ideas are endless!!!! The possibilities are life changing!

We have only just begun on our journey and can only hope for a better view along the way.

We have absolutely no clue what’s in store but never wanted anything more!
Peace & Love, go and play in the mud!
Apr 1, 1981 (Age: 43)
New Jersey