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  1. D

    How's your stealth with an A/C hanging out the back of your van?

    Bster13, Adaptation yes and well before your plan to live full time would be best, as Bob has spoken about and several others in the forums have said as well. To learn to use elevation and ventilation as your partner for comfortable living conditions all year round. One of the very effective...
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    Basic tools for a newbie?

    Annotation to my previous post, I just wanted to be clear that my previous post was not intended or directed to or at anyone. Just a disturbing observation that I'm witnessing more everyday. Both in real everyday life listening to others talk about they cant do this and they cant do that, and...
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    Basic tools for a newbie?

    With over a hundred year history making the Hi-Lift jack right here in the USA. And personally using them for years and years and being around others using them and never witnessing a single injury. And it being the most well recognized and used all over the world recovery jack etc. I would...
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    Lacto-Fermenting anyone???

    ccbreder, I to always try to purchase items made here in the USA whenever possible. I really like the Fido jars as BlueWeezle mentioned as well. But over the years use them more for dry goods storage and refrigerator items storage. The Fido jars are very heavy thick wall glass attractive and...
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    Longest idle time on van !?

    With regard to diesel engines idle time is really not a issue. Providing you have either a idle control unit of some sort or some other method to raise the standard idle to prevent wet stacking/coking issues. Even in a Gasoline engine I would encourage anyone to install a very simple and...
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    Paper Plates vs. Hard Plates?

    Yes I to use white vinegar for cleaning not just dishes and cookware either, for some additional abrasiveness baking soda and or salt. As well as essential oils, hydrogen peroxide and colloidal silver that I've been making myself for years. All of these things are highly effective and very...
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    Basic tools for a newbie?

    Great list developing from the other contributors, another fantastic manual jack and recovery tool that I have personally used for years is for reference; There are copy cat versions available on the market. I highly recommend...
  8. D

    Extremely Useful Diagnostic Tool.

    speedhighway46, Thank you very much for your further clarification as to which code reader created your idling issue, and also sharing your real time experience with a Harbor Freight code reader as well.
  9. D

    Lacto-Fermenting anyone???

    BlueWeezle, I was not aware that Nestle's makes a dried whole milk product, thank you for bringing that to my attention. I did look it up and noticed soy lecithin as the second ingredient as well as several others, as I've mentioned in a previous post I prefer to make natural whole food...
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    Extremely Useful Diagnostic Tool.

    speedhighway46, I'm very glad to read you resolved your truck's idling issue, in re-reading your post #19. "Plugged in a friends OBDII reader and immediately started running rough and stalling. Unplugged it and it ran better, but still not right." I am not clear the OBDII reader that you first...
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    Extremely Useful Diagnostic Tool.

    I have ScanGauge's installed on Ford diesels 7.3 & 6.0, and also several family and friends Ford diesels of various years as well without one single incident and many other various imports and domestic's diesel and gasoline also. I did after reading the couple or so post indicating idling...
  12. D

    What would you pay for a dozen eggs?

    What a fantastic topic-thread, so many great thoughtful contributions from the posters. I've been consuming "Raw dairy" small farms only for decades. Raw eggs both chicken & duck, raw milk from cow, goat and sheep. And make my own raw cheeses from all three of those milk animals and of course...
  13. D

    Lacto-Fermenting anyone???

    gsfish, Perhaps your referring to "lactose intolerant"? "Lacto" is simple referring to the species Lactobacillus and the several other strains that are generally present as well. Lactobacillus is naturally present on cabbage, during the fermentation process of making sauerkraut these bacteria...
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    Tips on breaking up dog fights or aggressive dogs coming toward my dog.

    Dogs have hearing which is far beyond our range and sensitivity, so sound that they are not prepared for can be highly effective in interrupting their chain of focus-thought, postal carriers often carry one or more of the suggestions I listed. The compressed air horn canisters that boaters...
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    Lacto-Fermenting anyone???

    towhee, Yes I completely agree with your reasoning, as you know once your colony is well established their fairly resistant and tolerant. But I myself as I've mentioned see no reason to ever expose them to "excessive heat." That is just plain counter intuitive to me, cooler temperatures though...