Currently retired, married with three boys (all grown), Jack of all trades sort of, U.S. Navy 1983 - 1994 (Honorable discharge), driving truck from 1996 to mid 2015. Getting the itch to try this Nomad life at least part time. Wifes still working but she'll come along some of the time and the rest I'm solo. I'm not completely unfamiliar with this life style as I've done similar things. I ran with several carnivals for a couple of summers way back when I was very young, i've rode freight trains all over the U.S back then also. And then there was 20 years of trucking.
I have a Nissan Xterra and I'm going to use that and probably build and pull a 6x10 cargo trailer. Sleep in the X and live in the trailer.
That's the plan anyway.