In 2012 I switched the man for a Van and for 19 months me, my 11 year old daughter and our little dog, Rosebud, fumbled around while we camped both traditionally and semi-stealth (kind of hard to do with a Sprinter). Even though it was an awesome adventure, the abrupt change was quite the bumpy ride for all concerned. I sure wish I had known about Bob and cheaprvliving, then!
Currently, I’m finishing up Home Schooling my now 16 year old daughter, who is getting ready to fly the coop, while I start envisioning my solo life on the road. I’ve been watching a ton of youtube videos and making plans to switch my Sprinter for a Box Truck or maybe a Class C that would have more space and be a better long term livable solution for me. This time out, I hope to make the transition to Nomad living a bit smoother; more comfortable; and certainly more enjoyable.
Creating my Nomadic SoulMobile! :heart: