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Hey everybody I go by JR I'm 41. I was an aircraft mechanic for about 12 years graduated from Spartan School of Aeronautics, was in the Army before that, 14R hoorah lol. I was in an automobile accident in 2010 broke my back in two places and my neck in three places. Very long story short I finally decided to apply for disability in 2014 and was granted a favorable decision shortly after. It took a long time for me to figure out things were never gonna be the same and that I wasn't gonna be able to go back to work. Any ways I've spent the better part of 5 years sitting in front of a TV or a book and just gave up on living really. Tried to make a relationship my lifes duty the last 2 years but no matter how much you love and care for some body they are only gonna be as good as they choose to be, no amount of work by me will out run my spouses demons for her so I left that situation and now she's in jail so I figured there really isn't anything tying me down. We both have been in love with the van dwelling idea for about a year now and we were going to do it together but guess not now. Anyways its not all bad I hate to juSt put a heart break story on here and nothing else lol. Oh I play a lot of video games kinda my break from reality I guess. I really like to cook just haven't had much of a chance to really pursue it but I'm looking forward to getting more into that and im currently hashing through ideas for my rig to facilitate that. Anyways anything else feel free to ask.
Oh my rig is a 1995 Chevy Tahoe its got about 40k on a rebuilt motor and less than that on a rebuilt trans. If it wasn't for all the recent work I would of traded it off and got a van well plus I love her to death lol. Im very excited to have 4 wheel drive though I don't want to give that up especially now that ill have good reasons to use my 4 wheel drive. The small space hasn't bothered me yet I really like it so far im comfy.
Mar 16, 1976 (Age: 48)
Tulsa at the moment