Vandalism at La Posa South - moved from Women Only Forum

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user 22017

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2018
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Just saw a YT video about two women camping alone who had encounters with a stranger(s) in the middle of the night. One had her vehicle window smashed while she was sleeping in it. The other scared the person off. Here is the video:

Yes someone broke Tracy's window in the middle of the nite with a rock..........

Back in December I built out her car for better sleeping when she asked on FB for HELP....even donating a mattress and fixing the car's blower motor for heat

But the "Glorious" U-Tuber got the story screwed up........(Glorious gets the exposure and Clicks without even offering a "hand")......Even the "local" news mangled the details.....the Police responded but with little evidence of WHO?

Paulette and I arrived at her solitary campsite at the very entrance to the LTVA within an hour of her posting on FB....we had just a day earlier returned from Yuma sick with the FLU from VanAid and Paulette's hospitalization

I worked for two hours with my generator and ShopVac.............Glasses/gloves to break out the remaining glass and vacuum the entire car...............using a flame-heated chisel I cut all the tape holding the broken glass to metal and cleaned up all the debris and hauled it away

There was crowd of people WATCHING me one else offered to help!?.......@##$

We left her with duct tape and learned someone helped her seal the rear window opening............She still needs the glass replaced............about $500 and No insurance for glass.........2016 KIA Forte

She's been out less than a year.............No nest egg or SS................she drives her "house" up to TWO hours away to AZ cities on the weekend to do "Doordash" (sleeping in her car on the streets) and returns to the LTVA on weekdays

The stories and lives of some Nomads will tear your Heart out .................................Stay Safe
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Yes someone broke Tracy's window in the middle of the nite with a rock..........

Back in December I built out her car for better sleeping when she asked on FB for HELP....even donating a mattress and fixing the car's blower motor for heat

But the "Glorious" U-Tuber got the story screwed up........(Glorious gets the exposure and Clicks without even offering a "hand")......Even the "local" news mangled the details.....the Police responded but with little evidence of WHO?

Paulette and I arrived at her solitary campsite at the very entrance to the LTVA within an hour of her posting on FB....we had just a day earlier returned from Yuma sick with the FLU from VanAid and Paulette's hospitalization

I worked for two hours with my generator and ShopVac.............Glasses/gloves to break out the remaining glass and vacuum the entire car...............using a flame-heated chisel I cut all the tape holding the broken glass to metal and cleaned up all the debris and hauled it away

There was crowd of people WATCHING me one else offered to help!?.......@##$

We left her with duct tape and learned someone helped her seal the rear window opening............She still needs the glass replaced............about $500 and No insurance for glass.........2016 KIA Forte

She's been out less than a year.............No nest egg or SS................she drives her "house" up to TWO hours away to AZ cities on the weekend to do "Doordash" (sleeping in her car on the streets) and returns to the LTVA on weekdays

The stories and lives of some Nomads will tear your Heart out .................................Stay Safe
Thanks for helping her! Very proud of you .
Violence is never acceptable but we do need to use “streets smarts” and try to stay out of harms way.

Abnorm himself told me she was not actually inside the La Posa South area, that she parked outside of it. So there was some Spin Doctoring going on in the retelling of the story in that video. Not sure if the victim or the YouTube channel owner got that wrong. But basically it amounts to camping in the wrong place at the wrong time leading to a bad outcome from bad persons. The wrong place is camping next to a highway on an OHV trail that runs along the highway.

There are a number of free designated BLM camping sites just minutes away she could have camped at. Why she chose to camp right next to the highway and that major OHV track is unknown to me. But bottom line is that it is not a safe place to camp. It is where a car would look like it was abandoned due to a break down and that on its own makes it likely to get a smashed window and broken into late at night. She was not victimized because she was a woman. She was victimized in a random act of violence because she was in a convenient location to do such an act.
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Abnorm himself told me she was not actually inside the La Posa South area, that she parked outside of it

WHAT ??????.............sounds like a game of "telephone"

She was inside the LTVA South about 75' from the gate........behind the double vault toilet.......close to the wash with her tent.....she has since moved......and she thanks you for your concern.

Rose YES.........but the only description was the side-by-side and two hooded figures.........and pictures of the tire tracks
WHAT ??????.............sounds like a game of "telephone"

She was inside the LTVA South about 75' from the gate........behind the double vault toilet.......close to the wash with her tent.....she has since moved......and she thanks you for your concern.

Rose YES.........but the only description was the side-by-side and two hooded figures.........and pictures of the tire tracks
Not a game of telephone that is what you told me when you stopped at my campsite.
Violence is never acceptable but we do need to use “streets smarts” and try to stay out of harms way.

Abnorm himself told me she was not actually inside the La Posa South area, that she parked outside of it. So there was some Spin Doctoring going on in the retelling of the story in that video. Not sure if the victim or the YouTube channel owner got that wrong. But basically it amounts to camping in the wrong place at the wrong time leading to a bad outcome from bad persons. The wrong place is camping next to a highway on an OHV trail that runs along the highway.

There are a number of free designated BLM camping sites just minutes away she could have camped at. Why she chose to camp right next to the highway and that major OHV track is unknown to me. But bottom line is that it is not a safe place to camp. It is where a car would look like it was abandoned due to a break down and that on its own makes it likely to get a smashed window and broken into late at night. She was not victimized because she was a woman. She was victimized in a random act of violence because she was in a convenient location to do such an act.
There were two incidents... two different people. In case you missed that.
There were two incidents... two different people. In case you missed that.
Some tiny-member probably wasted idiots out terrorizing. It's sad that people have to experience this sort of thing, but not too surprising either. Some locals are probably pretty annoyed that their "private" publicly funded playgrounds are getting over run with campers. One (but not the main) reason why I like to park "far from the madding crowd"... and be hidden from the road.

Speaking of idiots. Recently I went to Parker for supplies and decided to stay over night to do some exploring of the area the next day. I went to The Bar in Cienega Springs, hoping for a beer and hamburger, but the wait was too long, so I looked for a place to spend the night. The Cienega Springs Rd was near and went inland and appeared to be completely uninhabited. About a mile in there was a fairly huge parking area that was trashy but oddly deserted, so I went as far into that as I could, had some dinner, watched a show, and went to sleep.

About 7am I was greeted by a fusillade of high caliber automatic gun fire, that went on for quite a while and was punctuated buy a frickin' explosion! It was loud as hell (very close) and the echo in the canyon I parked above was quite impressive. None of the shots hit my rig, so no worries. I couldn't make much sense of it, but I was very curious and so went out to investigate. I hiked around but saw, heard, and smelled nothing. Was that all just to scare me or something? Went back, made some coffee, and left. Boys and their guns...

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